CBHP question

<p>My first post on CC. Because of all the great information here on CC, I’ve recently learned about the great opportunites that exist at UA for my NMSF son. He applied to UA several days ago. This was , of course, too late to apply for the CBHP, since you need to be accepted first. It sounds like a great program. My question is, does anyone know if there have ever been exceptions made in the past about applying to the CBHP after the deadline? My son sent an e-mail through the “contact” section of the website asking about this but hasn’t heard back yet. He has been a very good student with a high GPA and test scores. Thank you</p>

<p>welcome, do not know the answer to your question, but I know that many on here will. M2CK always has great answers, as do many others! </p>

<p>Is the MD because you are a physician, from Maryland, or your student’s initials? </p>

<p>We are from Maryland, that is why I ask…wondering if you are from here!</p>

<p>We are from Maryland, the Annapolis area</p>

<p>Pasadena here…my son will be attending fall 2012. A few other MD families on here too.
Everyone is very helpful. I am sure someone will have an answer or recommendations for you. What does your son want to major in?</p>

<p>Most likely biology, although he’s not sure. He likes computer science as well.</p>

<p>my son plans CS and Math.</p>

<p>MDdadd: My oldest son is a junior in CBHP. He said that you/your son should e-mail Dr. Shane Sharpe, who is the dean of the honors college. He is also in charge of CBHP. Explain the situation. </p>

<p>BTW, before moving to Virginia several years ago, we resided in Anne Arundel County.</p>

<p>mddadd… definitely email… in the past some people who applied very late, have been accepted to cbhp even after interviews and a waitlist established.</p>

<p>Welcome and congrats on your son making NMSF!! :)</p>

<p>Most likely biology, although he’s not sure. He likes computer science as well.</p>

<p>FYI…if your son is going to do CS, he needs to declare that NOW…that’s worth another 2500 per year from Eng’g. He wouldn’t get that if he declares it later. so, talk to your son about that. He could still double major in Bio or minor in Bio or whatever, but the primary major would need to be CS to get that extra scholarship. And, yes, it would stack on top of the NMF scholarship. :)</p>

<p>If he decides on CS, he needs to go to MyBama and change his major there. Did he submit the scholarship app? If not, he needs to do that as well. He’s a NMSF, so scholarship deadlines don’t matter.</p>

<p>If your son will be pre-med, there is a pre-med Comp Sci track. </p>

<p>As for CBHP…Have your son contact Dr. Sharpe. Use this addy: <a href=“mailto:ssharpe@AALAN.UA.EDU”>ssharpe@AALAN.UA.EDU</a></p>

<p>also…please post on our State Roll Call thread!</p>

<p>Let us know if you have any questions or would like to schedule a campus visit. We’ll tell you how to get a personalize honors tour. :)</p>

<p>Our son is a freshman CBHP. One of his CBHP roommates missed the deadline. He called Dr. Sharpe and discussed the situation. He did so prior to the February interviews so he was able to interview with the group. It worked for him, although I think this is the exception rather than the rule.</p>

<p>Good luck and Roll Tide (from Texas)!</p>

<p>I know that the CBHP app. was due on 1/5. When are students usually notified whether or not they are finalists and need to make plans for the Fabruary on campus interviews?</p>

<p>I think I saw on the CBHP section of the website that notifications are made through crimson mail the first week of February.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the February interview dates are yet?</p>

<p>The weekend of President’s Day in Feb.</p>

<p>Would the dates be the same as UFE, Feb. 17 - 18th or afterwards, Feb. 19 - 20th?</p>


<p><a href=“mailto:CBHP@bama.ua.edu”>CBHP@bama.ua.edu</a> is an appropriate place to send questions about CBHP. While you can also email Dr. Sharpe, the CBHP office will also respond to you in a timely manner within work hours (M-F 8 a.m.-4:45 p.m.).</p>

<p>If you sent something to that address and did not receive a timely reply, it is likely that the message was not received. Definitely try again, or try calling the Honors College!</p>

<p>Yes there are exceptions to the rule. My son met the Dec. 1st application and Scholarship deadlines to receive the NMF scholarship but at that time, had no real interest in Alabama. He applied at my request since I was the one who researched all his offers. I asked him to consider applying to CBH at the same time but he showed no interest in UA so I dis not push the subject. By the time Spring Break approached, we agreed to revisit Emory (his top choice at the time). With some hesitation, my son agreed to visit UA. He had nothing to lose.
During our March visit to UA, my son met with Dean Haley (since retired). It was during that meeting the Dean Haley urged my son to apply to CBH knowing the deadline had past and interviews were already scheduled. My son sent his application to Dean Haley as instructed, who then hand delivered it to Dr. Sharpe.
My son later chose UA still not knowing if he got a spot in CBH.
My son made an appt with Dr. Sharpe the last day of his Bama Bound orientation. Still no news. A week before he left for school and Alabama Action, my son was offered a spot that was originally accepted by a student that chose another school. I guess good thing do happen to those that wait.
My son’s experience at UA have been life changing. He was a 2012 Rhodes Scholar Finalist. RTR!</p>

<p>MDdadd, another Maryland family here (Rockville); our son will study engineering at UA beginning this fall. We are waiting to hear on the CBHP but whatever happens we are hooked on UA for the next four years at least.</p>