CBHP results

<p>My D made it in!! She is so excited. Check your crimson account.</p>

<p>Yes … Lots of excitement here too!!!</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE! Our son is CBHP also! Much excitement here through the entire house. Congratulations all!</p>

<p>Congratulations all !!! My D is calling the grandparents right now. She even called her calculus teacher to tell her the good news.</p>

<p>:) :slight_smile: :)</p>


<p>Waiting to hear from Nicolle (fingers crossed!)</p>

<p>^^ Rest easy. They should be along shortly.</p>

<p>BTW, thanks for all your help along the way M2CK!</p>

<p>Congratulations everyone!</p>

<p>Glad to help!!! :)</p>

<p>Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing y’all on campus next year!</p>

<p>I made it in. Having a few misgivings about actually doing it, but my friend in the program claims I’ll have enough time for two majors, two other minors, three to five MUN conferences, assorted other activities and CBH… I’m a liberal arts person so it might be a little bit easier.</p>

<p>I’m looking for information for the HS class of 2012. What exactly does CBHP entail? Is it just the amazing research opportunities or is there more. Extra scholarship, special seminars or attention? Are the majority of kids engineering, math and science majors?</p>

<p>Start at the Honors College link and read what you can about the Computer-Based Honors Program. Here’s the link:</p>

<p>[Honors</a> College - Computer-Based Honors](<a href=“http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=computer-based-honors-program]Honors”>http://honors.cbhp.ua.edu/index.php?page=computer-based-honors-program)</p>

<p>I am in the same boat as you, Yankee Belle, with a DS 2012 and trying to understand the HC programs. I just recently checked out the link Loring suggested and it is a great background read. Especially helpful is the section about the presentations. You can check them out by subject area. There seem to be a lot more in the sciences, but clearly the humanities are available.</p>

<p>m2ck should check in on this thread. My son was just accepted to the program and he’s thrilled. One of m2ck’s sons has gone through the program. My understanding from reading the same links I gave you is that this program has the students participate in research with faculty members.</p>

<p>I was fortunate enough to be accepted. I’ve already taken them up on the offer. Thanks for the congrats and I’m looking forward to it.</p>

<p>crazyinalabama11: I think you left too much time in your schedule :wink: Momreads son has a schedule like yours and he gets it all done.</p>

<p>Congratulations to all. </p>

<p>PNGbamakid: What is your major?</p>

<p>Montegut: Thanks for the warm welcome.</p>

<p>*What exactly does CBHP entail? Is it just the amazing research opportunities or is there more. Extra scholarship, special seminars or attention? Are the majority of kids engineering, math and science majors? *</p>

<p>There are all different majors in CBH…even majors like Music, Dance, Library Science, English…however, many are also Bio, Chem, Engineering majors, too. Since more STEM students apply, there are more of them…but that doesn’t mean a non-STEM major shouldn’t apply or won’t have a chance. </p>

<p>The first 2 semesters are spent learning 2 programming languages. </p>

<p>Then, starting soph year, students choose projects with profs or other professionals to help with research. A student can change research projects each semester or he can continue with the same project for more depth. Each semester, the student presents his research.</p>

<p>This is not a computer science program…it’s a research program. The name is a bit misleading…I wish the name was something like Computer-Based Research Program.</p>