CBK courses

<p>I am planning on transferring to Texas a&m petroleum engineering and am taking courses at my CC. Is it true that differential equations does not transfer? What about Linear algebra? From my understanding they do not because DE and Linear are upper division courses and I just wanted to confirm this. I will have calc 3 completed by the time I transfer along with all physics/ chem/ geology except the engieneering 111&112</p>

<p>good question for an advisor.</p>

<p>They make it difficult to speak to one and when I email admissions I am sure I am getting an automated response because it contradicts what their website/ catalog says.</p>

<p>Two points, based solely on the presentation given by the PetE advisor when my S attended NSC in August:</p>

<li><p>How likely do you think it will be that you can transfer? He mentioned something like they regularly turn down students with > 3.9 from TAMU who want to transfer into PetE. He said there are so few openings you really need an almost perfect record to be considered. This may be why you haven’t been able to talk to them – you know, “don’t call us, we’ll call you”. If I were you, I’d probably apply to to a variety of schools with PetE rather than putting all your eggs in the TAMU basket.</p></li>
<li><p>The same advisor said that while he would sign off on virtually any humanities/core curriculum course from a CC or other university, you have to take physics/chemistry/math at TAMU. He suggested that courses from other institutions like CC were inferior. If you got into TAMU PetE, I would not be surprised if fewer of your courses transferred than you expected.</p></li>

<p>Of course, I could be wrong. Again, this is what I gleaned from a 1.5 hour orientation meeting. Hope this helps, JR</p>

<p>Redeye, rather than emailing admissions, it is a petE advisor you need to contact. The best time is first thing in the morning if trying to contact them by phone. If you shoot them a detailed email, they will respond. For specific major questions, admissions will be of little help. Good luck.</p>

<p>I doubt I will have to retake physics/chem/and math at TAMU. The courses at my CC are on par with UCLA/Berkeleys math/chem/physics courses. I have the 4.0 gpa but I wish I could do a little more to feel like admission will be guranteed.</p>