CBS and Honors College?

Hello! I was recently admitted to the honors college for the College of Biological Sciences, and although I am very excited, I am also nervous about the thought of living so far away from my classes.

Does anyone have any insight into what this experience feels like? Thanks!

First of all, you don’t have to live in the honors LLC (Middlebook). You could opt instead for the Bio. LLC in Pioneer:

Or you could opt pretty much for any dorm anywhere on campus (depending on your place in the queue).

Second, Middlebrook isn’t that far from the biology building. It just seems far due to the river. We’ve known kids who were in CSE and lived in the Honors LLC and loved it. Nice and quiet.

Third, you won’t be taking all biology courses your first year. Check out this 4-year plan for the biology major, for instance, which is front-loaded with college requirements, pre-reqs and Gen Eds:

Keep in mind, as well, that where a particular class is scheduled might have very little to do with its academic department. That applies to lab courses, studio courses, and any other courses that might otherwise require hardware and equipment. They are not always in the buildings you’d expect them to be in.