CB's "difficulty" of questions?

<p>This applies for CR more than anything, but does anyone else find that the level 1-5 difficulty classification is completely arbitrary? I mean level 5 questions often turn out to be quite easy, while level 3 questions are the ones I'm stuck on.</p>

<p>Is it me or CB? How do they decide what's "hard" anyway?</p>

<p>I agree. I used to get about 5-6 wrong on CR (4-5 of which were level 3). But I realized I was overthinking these “easy” questions.</p>

<p>I had the same exact problem. I always got the hard questions right and the easy ones wrong. As GreedIsGood said, this was because of overthinking and for me, not playing Devil’s Advocate, one of the most important techniques of getting a high CR score.</p>

<p>The difficulty numbers are neither arbitrary nor the product of guesswork on the part of the ETS. The numbers are based on the percentage of students getting the question correct, when the question was tested in an equating section.</p>

<p>So, think of the number as being reflective of the question’s difficulty for the average student.</p>