CBYX Hopefuls 2022-2023

welcome to the collegeconfidential forum for cbyx hopefuls this application cycle! i’m looking to connect with fellow applicants, so we can discuss the process together and meet other people applying for the program! hopefully this will give us a chance to get to know each other, and who knows? maybe we’ll meet each other on our journey to germany!

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first question: where’s everyone from? i’m suffering through the heat in texas (:

Hey im from Michigan applying for the 2022-2023 program !!!

Hi!! I’m a little late but I’m applying to YFU in Alabama.

Wow! Finally found some other 2022-2023 applicants! I’m applying through AFS from Boston! Zoom interview on Saturday fingers crossed

I’m from upstate NY (AFS). Has anyone heard anything about acceptance/rejections yet? Anyone know when they have sent them out in past years?

I’m not sure if it’s the same for AFS, but my region (CIEE) is sending out finalist notifications in early/mid-April.


Has anyone else gotten their finalist status notifications? I just got my acceptance email today!


Which region are you? I’m northeast because I’m from Maryland (AFS) and haven’t heard anything yet.

I’m from Texas, which is CIEE. My region may have just gotten lucky to get early results haha

CONGRATS! Unfortunately I’m from Massachusetts (AFS) sooooo the waiting continues… Super duper pumped for you though!

AFS people: I’m from Maryland (AFS region) and just got a phone call from my interviewer letting me know I got in. If you get any random number calls this month try to answer them. I’m not sure if all finalists are being called by their interviewers but mine said they wanted to make the acceptance more personal so this may be universal.

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congratulations! i’m so stoked for you!


I also got a phone call from my interviewer saying I am a finalist Saturday morning(I am in AFS like @brknoll20)! In the call, they said that the acceptance emails will go out Monday (or at least the first round).

so rad to hear that!!

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Congratulations! I am also from Maryland (AFS region) but I haven’t received my application results yet so just waiting it out. Very excited for you though!

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Congrats! Have you received an email yet? I’m getting a little nervous…

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No, I have not.

I’m nervous too, does anyone know when they’re sending emails out?

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What exactly did your interviewer tell you about emails? You might not be thinking about it too much, but for someone like me who’s heard nothing yet, I’ll take every piece of information I can get.

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