<p>Whats " LMAO " ???</p>
<p>Laughing my @$$ off</p>
<p>Nothing about JHU?</p>
That is the credited response.</p>
<p>Don't forget "10 chars." That one mystified me for quite some time.</p>
<p>JHU: Johns Hopkins University
IMO can also mean International Math Olympiad; depends on the context
I think 10char is just a symbol to fill up space, as posts must be at least 10 characters long.</p>
<p>CTY: Johns Hopkin's Center for Talented Youth</p>
<p>What is PEW?</p>
<p>PEW = PollyEWilde</p>
<p>right, so 10char = 10 characters?</p>
<p>ahahahahaha ohhhh. I feel like an idiot.</p>
<p>ftw can also mean w t f. it is used to avoid censoring</p>
<p>Thanks. I could never figure out the D at the start of DD or DS. Divorced? It didnt' work.</p>
<p>The "D" in DS, DD, DH or DW when spelled out is more often "darling" than "dear."</p>
<p>haha i could have used this when i first found this site. couldnt figure out what HYP was for a while haha</p>
<p>some awards:
amc - american math competition
aime - american invitational math exam
usamo - usa math olympiad
usapho - physics
usabo - bio
usnco - us national chem olympiad
imo/ibo/icho/ipho - international math, bio, chem, & physics olympiad</p>
<p>CMO= canadian math olympiad
COMC= canadian open math challenge (CMO qualifier)</p>
<p>S30 = Sheed30</p>
<p>DVR = Rockermcr</p>
<p>No no no.</p>
<p>No one calls him DVR except me.</p>
<p>"Yak" = rockermcr</p>
<p>ma'am = Joli.Hauteur</p>