CC African students??

<p>always glad to help. good luck to you.</p>

<p>Hey, Missy! My family is from Cameroon, too. Cool to see another one of us (for once... ;)) What's your tribe?</p>

<p>Female, African-American student (duhhh)</p>

<p>Location: New Jersey
Birth Place: London, England. I lived there for 5.5 years (I lived in Africa when I was 6, then I moved to NJ when I was 7.)
My parents are from Cameroon, West Africa (Moghamo Tribe, paternal; roots in Ashong. Maternal - i have roots in Bamenda, West Cameroon)
College Class Year: 2014 (HS grad year 2010)
High School: Public
High School Type: few people get into top schools (HYPSM), no more than 10 in a class of 500; most people go to community college. few advanced black students.. altho the school is at least 20% black im the only black girl in my classes. its a weird experience cuz sometimes i forget im "black". anyway i would bet im the best african-american student in the school.
Will apply for financial aid: Yes</p>


<p>GPA - Unweighted: 92.40
GPA - Weighted: 98.30
Sciences: Honors Biology in Freshman year (most people take Geophys in Freshman year) I took 2 science courses in Sophomore Year, Honors Chemistry and CP Geophysical Science (i knew i couldnt keep up with an Honors course). I'm currently in Honors Physics. next year ill be taking AP Bio.
History: CP History for 2 years. Currently in AP US History; I took the AP exam last week (im hoping for a 3). Not taking History next year :)
English: Honors english since 9th grade. Could've taken AP Lang & Comp but I didn't pass requirements thanks to a ******** teacher. AP Literature next year.
Math: honors math all 3 years. AP Calc AB next year.
Languages: 4 years of Latin.</p>


<p>730-660-630 (CR-M-W)
total 2020
1390 math/cr.</p>

<p>that was my first try and i got a nosebleed during the math section :( i retook the test in may tho. my goal is a 2100 or 1400.</p>


<p>Significant Extracurriculars: National Honors Society, Science Honors Society, Latin Honors Society, Red Cross Club, summer volunteering @ the library
Leadership positions: Peer Mentors, a program for first generation African-American teens where we discuss our position in society and other stuff
Athletic Status - list sport and your level: Varsity Volleyball, community Lacrosse
Honors and Awards: Paul Robeson Award in Renaissance, Maxima Cum Laude in 2007 National Latin Exam, Magna Cum Laude in 2009 National Latin Exam
I retaught myself to play viola in 10th grade. I'm joining the school orchestra next year.</p>

<p>i dont have a lot of ECs cuz our family doesnt have a lot of money or time to drive me places or sign me up for special programs. yet, i can't get a job cuz theres no public transport.</p>

<p>I think i have several hooks/things i can write about
*i'm really young - i turned 16 in december.</p>

<p>Stanford is my first choice school! 2014!</p>

<p>Cool, my dad lived around Bamenda for awhile. But he's Bali tribe, and my mom is Acum tribe. I was born in MA, though.</p>

<p>ive never heard of them.
i was born in london.</p>

<p>May SATs:
perf 2100 =p</p>

<p>Harambee- I am a kenyan too! my parents were born and raised in Kenya, i was born in germany and I have lived in the US since I was 3 years old. I hope to apply to Columbia, Harvard, Yale, UCLA, Pepperdine, and a couple others. I am just now finishing my sophmore year so I am not completely sure about what I want to study but im leaning towards international relations and political science.</p>

<p>Harambee- I just read your last post! How peculiar we are interested in the exact same things! ( maybe its a kenyan thing!?!)</p>

<p>My dad is Nigerian and my mom is from Delaware…I know RANDOM!!! I was born in MA and for the most part I have lived in an “American culture”.</p>

<p>Both my parents are Nigerian. I am 1st generation (yoruba).
I go to a school in which blacks are like 1%. So I’m the only black person in all my honors classes. I’m taking 3 ap’s next year. My GPA weighted is about a 96.38, unweighted I guess 92- average.
My E.C’s are speech league, Junior academy of science, Volunteering, ETC.
UR not alone</p>

Being able to travel to Kenya has allowed me to view the world in another light. The experience changed me and inspired me to look into global issues and what not, that’s why I want to go into international relations and political science. </p>

<p>Since you were born in Germany and both your parents are from Kenya, does that give you dual-citizenship?</p>

<p>Harambee- Actually I am a dual citizen of Kenya and the United States. I have the option of becoming a german citizen if I choose though. But I most likely wont because if you are a citizen of the EU you cannot have dual citizenship!</p>

<p>Im not sure exactly why i got interested in international relations. My mom studied linguistics and worked closesly with UN, so I was always exposed to international relations. I only recently became interested in politics because of the 2008 presidential elections. However, I have always been interested in helping people around the world especially because of my background.</p>

<p>How long has your family lived in the states? (assuming you do live in the US)</p>

<p>Yeah, I live in the states (NC). We’ve lived in the states for about 10 years now. Barack Obama’s election inspired me as well to get more into politics. The fact that he is half-kenyan is amazing to me. He’s pretty inspirational person. On a side note, watching CNN for the last year helped me get a 96 in Civics class without studying. =) </p>

<p>So do you speak Swahili or a second language apart from English?</p>

<p>First I would like to point out that my comma key (on the keyboard) just broke.</p>

<p>Anyways… I am half Tanzanian (Kenya’s my neighbouring country) and half Chinese… Born in China… lived in Tanzania for 6 years… and attended International Schools for my entire life… Well… I was partly in a English medium school (which wasn’t quite international but used English as a medium of communication).</p>

<p>So… I speak fluent 'Ki’swahili (Harambee watch your spelling)… Chinese… and as you can see I also speak English (typing really… but anyways same thing).</p>

<p>As of now I am attending an IB World school in Beijing graduating 2010. Wanna do engineering in college. Really proud of dalitso09 for making it into MIT!
What about you guys? I wanna know more about all of us!
Take care! Here from all of you soon!</p>

<p>Chinese, Kiswahili, and English. You have some mad language skills. I looked through the MIT threads and dalitso09 is the only African I saw who got accepted so kudos to him. Good luck with all your college plans.</p>

<p>Thanks Harambee! BTW I think dalitso09 is a girl XD!
Anyways, you will be in junior after summer right?
Wish you good luck with everything!
P.S Keep an eye on Martin Kolikoli and Hasheem ‘smth’ these players of Tanzanian decent will most likely be in the NBA next year.
Do you speak Kiswahili?</p>

<p>Yeah, I’ll be a junior. Class of 2011.
To be honest, I lost almost all my Kiswahili speaking skills. I remember a little bit, but i’m not too fluent. If I spend a year in Kenya I could probably pick up the language again. </p>

<p>BTW, Hasheem Thabeet is a beast and he’s definitely going into the NBA next year.</p>

<p>I’m Ghanian. I was born in the U.S, but lived in Ghana for 5 years. My Parents are from Ghana. I also lived in London. Hmm… I’m usually one of the few black males in AP classes in my school. My school is also 60% black. I live in New Jersey now.</p>

<p>UW: 3.25
W: 3.927
SAT: 1550/2400
EC’s: Martin Luther King Association(4 years) Comm. Service in Jamaica, NYLC, School Dance Group(4 years), Math Team, etc…</p>

<p>I have taken 3 AP classes.</p>

<p>Accepted Colleges: University of Maryland College Park, Northeastern University, Rutgers University, TCNJ, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, College of William and Mary, Howard University, Penn State U. Park., Drexel University, University of Pittsburgh. I’m attending the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor.</p>

<p>^That’s pretty awesome man. I grew up in Michigan. How do you like UMich?</p>

<p>Well I’m the class of 2013, so I meant to say, I will be going to Michigan this fall. I have never visited the campus. I’m going there because I want to be in a new environment. Hope I like it there. I can always transfer if I have a bad experience.</p>

<p>School here in Beijing has JUST ended… I will be heading down south to Tanzania later on today… Hope it will be a pleasant flight.
I have decided when I was very young… to become an engineer like my mom and dad. Therefore… what I am aiming at right now is getting into a good engineering/technology college/school.
As for my scores on the SAT
Shoot dont even wanna mention; 1700/2400 with a 700 in math.
Though there are many excuses as to the reason why I wasn’t able to release my full potential… I would not blabber about any of them.
MUN club; Junior MUN club founder; Introduced my school to the THIMUN (World’s top MUN conference)…Student council Vice president for next year and Acitivities co-ordinator this year… in the basketball team(we won a couple of titles)…School magazine club.
GPA: We are an IB school and I am around 38/42 for six subjects on aggregate.</p>

<p>See you all! Have a great summer!
To all of you… It is a very smart decision to have joined CC especially if you are in Sophomore (Junior next year). I wish I had known this website earlier… It is truly helpful.</p>