CC Application Record

<p>Who here in CC has applied to the most schools? Post the number of colleges you have applied and list them until we come up with a winner. Be honest :p and don't ruin it. I'll start</p>

(Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Emory, UChicago, UPitt, UGA, Duke, JHU, Georgetown, Berkeley, UNC Chapel Hill)</p>

<p>My friend is applying to 17; I’m not sure which ones but I know they include Harvard, Penn, etc</p>

<p>22 here! ss</p>

<p>wow 22! that must have sucked for the essays</p>

<p>^^ well sometimes you can reuse the essay if the prompt is similar or the same.</p>

<p>Well I wrote only two main essays… eliminated those schools like Princeton that requires specific essays… I spent two month on just those two and I had to do some hardcore studying for SAT IIs. Additionally, I had to fill out a lot of scholarship applications too.</p>

<p>I applied to only ivies and I’m hoping I’ll get in! I’m a risk taker, no safeties here!</p>

<p>I got in my target school so I am fine:)</p>

<p>Now, I’m only applying to 5 new colleges this year (and reapplying to 3 of last year’s schools). In total, 8 this year.
It’s a long story.</p>

<p>Last year, I applied to 17 and I found out my safety list was wrong. </p>

<p>In total, 22 for both years (not including reapplications).</p>

<p>I only applied to 3 because I would get my decision back from my ED school before others were due, but I had 8 total lined up.</p>

<p>I got accepted to my ED school</p>

<p>I’m applying (or have applied) to ten.</p>

<p>[Wesleyan University, Bard College, University of Vermont, Vassar College, Macalester College, Carleton College, University of Chicago, Oberlin College, Gallatin School of Individualized Study of Gallatin University, Grinnell College]</p>

<li>Do I get a record for lowest?</li>

<p>1, too. Tied for the lowest</p>

<p>dang…2 here

<p>I am regretting that I applied to so many now after I got accepted to my target school</p>

<p>6 in the US, but 11 worldwide.</p>

<li>I’m only applying to so much because I don’t want to get stuck with one choice, I’m a applying to basically all reach schools and one safety lol. Yeah my logic makes no sense haha</li>

<p>^ me too. I’m applying to all reaches and one safety.</p>

<p>More than likely I’ll be rejected at all, but that’s ok because my safety is amazing, and I’d be top there :)</p>

<p>I think applying to many reaches and one safety isn’t that bad of an idea. If you’re sure you’ll get into your safety, then you only need one of them, right? It would then be in your best interests to put your efforts into the best places you can try for (the reaches).</p>

<p>3 reaches 7 matches and 3 safeties. 13 baby</p>