CC ED/EA Decisions

So I assume we all got an email stating that decisions come out December 14th for ED and December 17th for EA. I thought we may as well start a thread to discuss our admissions decisions.

Whether you were accepted, wait listed, or denied, you could post your stats in the comments so we can start getting a feel for what CC is accepting this year. Best of luck to you all!

Actually the email my son received yesterday said ED would be posted on Tuesday, the 15th. Did yours say the 14th??

Thanks for making the thread! I can’t wait to see some happy faces around here when the decisions come out. Good luck!

UW: 3.73
W: 4.20
Rank: Top 15%
SAT Composite: 2040
I’m in several different honor societies. I’m the corresponding secretary of the student government, and I’m vice president of my school’s improv.

Deferred (Possibly because of my average supplemental essays and because I have a lot of need.)

Thanks for sharing, @cchoping . Financial need factors into the decision so don’t let the deferral bring you down. You still have another chance :slight_smile:

UW 4.0
ACT 32
Very competitive private HS. Lots of sports (not recruited), clubs and activities.
Suburban white female.

UW 4.0
ACT 33
Lots of volunteer hours and ECs.
Has anyone heard about merit Aid?

Accepted ED
UW 3.57
SAT Composite 2060
ACT 29
I go to a very large public high school in Texas. I was a Questbridge finalist. Lots of ECs, volunteer hours, and honors courses. #17 out of 650, kidney disease, low income, blah blah.

I’m the first one in my family to go to college and I’m excited! Mixed white/hispanic female.

Accepted Early Decision
UW: 3.7
ACT: 32
Mixed Asian/European Male
Going to one of the top high schools in GA. ^ was a QB finalist, President of club that did community service, part of a lot of community service clubs. Took lots of aps and honors. Low income family and 1st gen to go to college.
Did not think I would get in.

^^ Now regretting not doing Questbridge since I meet the averages of being a scholar/being considered a match finalist. Good job, you guys.

Congrats to you all!! I applied EA so I’ll be hearing tomorrow. Based on the scores you guys posted, it’s a 50/50 shot for me…

Applied EA
Decision: DEFERRED
GPA: 3.77 UW/ 4.5 W
SAT: 2210/ 1440 (M+CR)
ACT: 32 (superscored 33)
Rank: 15/525
I am a little sad I wasn’t accepted, but still hopeful! Just wish I knew what was wrong, besides my UW gpa being a little low, my stats seemed to be above their median. :confused:

Accepted EA
UW 3.7
SAT Super scored 2330
White Male
I go to a Midwestern College prep school that’s pretty highly rated.

2190 SAT
Top 4% of class
3.88 UW/4.46 GPA

I have a large financial aid need and I didn’t get to visit the campus. Oh well, we’ll see what happens in March.

Applied EA
Decision: Accepted
GPA: 4.0 UW/ 4.85 W
SAT: 2220/ 1530 (M+CR)
ACT: 35
Rank: 20/600

I felt like my supplements were pretty good, and I’m really excited to have gotten in!

applied EA, deferred
UW GPA: 3.63
SAT: 2150 (800 W CR 700 M 650)

bummed but somewhat expected, my GPA is a little low and my additional info section was filled with medical stuff so I have a bit of educational baggage lol plus financials… staying hopeful

Applied EA
UW 3.66/W 3.8
ACT 29 (didn’t send SAT): 27 science, 27 math, 10 essay, 31 writing, 32 reading
Rank na/750
Suburban white female
Good supplements
3 APs, 8 honors
3 clubs (1 with leadership position), community theatre, 2 jobs, 2 honor societies, over 300 hours volunteer
Decent financial aid need
One of the top/most competitive high schools in central New Jersey
504 for mental/learning disorders

I’m not surprised I didn’t get in. Good luck to all the EDII and RD applicants!

Applied EA
Decision: Deferred
W GPA: 4.95
SAT: 1910 Composite
Rank: 10/288
Dominican, Ecuadorean
6-7 AP’s, everything else always Honors
Too many clubs, leadership positions to list
Local area in PA that is very poor and minority-filled

I am very surprised that I was even deferred; I am still content, though! Congratulations to everyone else! :slight_smile:

EA, deferred
GPA: 3.77 UW, 4.00 W
SAT: 2300/1600, 800 math 2, 740 lit
No rank
3 varsity sports, 1 as a captain (although none recruited)
President of a club, lots of service hours, lots of ECs, tons of tough classes

I was honestly quite surprised not to have gotten in, although I see now that I’m among good company :slight_smile:
Although my GPA is a little low, I attend one of the ~top 100 schools in the US, and I’ve taken on a pretty difficult course load. Ah well, life goes on. Hope no one is beating themselves up too badly.

Applied EA
UW 3.8/W 4.6
ACT 35
SAT 2250
Rank 10%
Suburban white male
Great Essays
10 AP’s (every AP available except Art or Band)
Varsity Soccer, Varsity Cross Country
300+ Volunteer Hours over 3 years
EC’s focused in two areas showing longevity and commitment
Showed Interest - even visited from the the East Coast!

Not sure what more I could do - other than raise my GPA. Good grief.