CC Group on Facebook

<p>So if you want to, there's this cool CC group on FB called "CC Prep Admissions Addicts"</p>

<p>It was started by Saer, and she'll have to approve you before you are officially in the group.</p>

<p>I tried joining. :)</p>


<p>Here is a link (sign in to FBOOK before clicking) </p>

<p>[Login</a> | Facebook](<a href=“Redirecting...”>Redirecting...)</p>

<p>yeppers! is PPV or benevolent on there? they should be…</p>

<p>Ha, when will I be notifiied of my acceptance or rejection? </p>

<p>[/parody post]</p>

<p>I, at this point, do not plan on joining. Too much information can be spilled, not that any of YOU are untrustworthy. Just a bunch of pedophiles.</p>

<p>I have nearly nothing on my facebook, so I’m fine with it. It’s not even my real name, and I have everything else blocked.</p>

<p>I do plan on starting a fresh, new FB once I get to my next school.</p>

<p>Facebook is not bad in terms of privacy. I had my account completely cut off from the rest of the world up till March 10. And I think the whole point of “needing to be accepted” into the CC Facebook group was intentional to give us some more privacy.</p>

<p>yeah. the only preson I’m friends with on FB is Saer (isn’t everyone). If I think anything weird is going on, I’ll just remove the friend or block some info (not that I reveal too much).</p>

<p>P.S. PPV, if we were pedophiles we could find a lot more without spending all of our time on CC, where there aren’t pics or loose teens, just a bunch of crazy prep school applicants.</p>

<p>I requested to join the group!</p>
