CC instead of AP?

<p>I am planning on applying to a handful of the UC school (in-state) and was wondering if taking courses at the local college is better than taking AP courses. Thus being able to maintain a higher HS GPA and learning more than my HS can teach me. Currently I will be entering as a senior when school starts again and my school offers up to AP Calc AB, but I am now planning on dropping it and just taking Statistics AP (because of UC recommendations of 4 years of math) and take Calc I at the local college. Also thinking of dropping Chem AP and just taking the CLEP exam to get credit for General Chem I and II for college. Also this would allow me to take an extra year of foreign language to make a total of 4. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>i think calc > stats , college-wise only take stats when you are REALLY out of math classes to take, or if you REALLY not a math person
and taking CLEP exam won't give you credit for school, thus no higher GPA. Ap chem isn't bad, just take it.
i don't know why you need two math classes, unless you didn't take math one one of the earlier years</p>

<p>CC classes get to looked at, but they don't go onto your hs transcript, therefore not weighted WITH your hs class, so don't hope its going to bring up your weight GPA, they look at it seperately</p>

<p>No no. I think you misunderstand. I would be taking the CC courses for college credit, not HS. I would take Stats AP because everyone says it is easy. The CLEP would give me college exemptment from certain courses along with the credit for those courses, but not affect college GPA.</p>