CC-like discussion group for Australia/NZ schools

<p>We're looking at Univ of Sydney, Murdoch/Perth, and Massey/NZ for DD2 who's been interested in becoming a Vet since she's been very young, and has had numerous animal-care related ECs - volunteering, shadowing, and courses outside of HS. We've discovered it's very competitive in the US and for the most part you need to apply after 3 years in college, and she quite frankly doesn't do that well in tests, and PA isn't the best for in-state candidates without stellar scores.</p>

<p>We discovered some overseas schools credentialed by the American Vet assn. with a direct admit after HS and are looking at this option, but I haven't been able to get much feedback in this regard in either the overseas or vet discussion groups here, nor have we talked with anyone who's gone down under.</p>

<p>Is anyone familiar with a CC-like site catering to Aus/NZ universities? DD and I have spoken with people in admissions offices there and exchanged emails, but I would really like more feedback from people from the US who've done this - the differences in the admissions process in general (eg. the year starts in their autumn - Feb/Mar) and advice on testing like ISAT, the rigor, the nature, and differences of the education there (one school preferred US applicants to have actual college experience, not just AP, before joining), the completion rate for US students, whether the credentials are really easily accepted back here, any issues about life there that is not evident, etc. </p>

<p>We are fortunate to be able to do full-pay and I'm not sure how much of a plus/minus being a US student is and what criteria are important to them beyond what they state in their instructions.</p>

<p>I've googled a few sites and have only got sites with very light traffic, so I'd appreciate getting directed to something more dynamic like CC, but for that market.</p>

<p>I doubt you’ll find a site like CC for NZ colleges. NZ has fewer than 4.5 million people. Where you go to university is pretty much determined by what you want to study, at least if you are interested in a vocational course.</p>

<p>If you want to study agriculture in NZ or be a vet, you go to Massey. So, people don’t agonize over choosing colleges as in the US. Thus, there’s really no need for a CC type site. This is from <a href=“”></a></p>

<h2>While every university offers core degrees in arts (the humanities and social sciences, including teacher education), business and the sciences, each also has its own distinctive profile. Auckland and Otago have the country’s two medical schools, featuring hospital-based learning; AUT University has a reputation for being highly innovative with applied knowledge; Waikato has a strong background in indigenous culture and a successful business school, while Canterbury and Auckland have an international profile for their engineering schools. Veterinary science, food technology and land production are among the strengths of Massey University; Victoria is strong on public policy, international relations, law and governance; and Lincoln has strengths in land-based sciences and environmental studies. This is only an extremely brief survey; more about the specialisms of each university can be found on their respective websites, listed at the end of this article.</h2>

<h2>I know that’ s not all that helpful, but …</h2>

<p>Also, just based on googling, do you realize that there is no guarantee she would be admitted into the vet program? See
<a href=“[/url]”>School of Veterinary Science;

<p>It’s too late to edit my previous post. Do read the info. You’ll see that it works sort of like some of the competitive admissions business schools in the US. Being admitted to Massey does NOT guarantee being admitted to the vet program. Admission to the vet program takes place AFTER completion of one semester at Massey. GPA and an admissions test determine who is admitted.</p>

<p>I’m from Sydney and to be honest don’t know too much about the details (going to U.S. for college!) but I would also suggest University of New South Wales for Vet Science. UNSW is more well known for it’s sciences while USYD is more known for its arts and humanities programs. Granted, I have a very close friend who is doing Veterinary Science at USYD and seems to enjoy it. She didn’t get into her preferred Med course so she is hoping to transfer. If you make a set list of questions, maybe I can run it by her and see if she has any answers?</p>

<p>Thank you all for the responses.
Emeralds, Univ of New South Wales is not listed as being accredited by AVMA, so there are other hurdles after completing the program that makes this choice not attractive. Jonri, we’ve spoken to the Massey people and are aware of their process; they also have a tie in with univ of Vermont, but again, it’s not a guaranteed track. DD’s credentials aren’t at a level where she’ll make it into one of the US guaranteed programs, that’s why our interest in Sydney and Murdoch. </p>

<p>I was hoping to get a feel of the academic rigor and requirements at these places - DD’s credentials would place her at about the middle in a place like Penn State overall, and we were wondering where this would place her both in admission as well as coping with the course work in these universities we’re considering in Aus/NZ.</p>

<p>dd is on a study abroad at Massey I will ask her some questions next time we skype</p>

<p>There is a rather lively thread in the International Students Forum full of Australians who are looking to study in the US. Some of them may have be able to suggest sources for the kind of information that you need: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I passed this on to happymomof1 but thought i would post it here. The closest I believe you will find in Australia to CC is this site [Study</a> Connect Study In Australia](<a href=“]Study”></p>

<p>Thank you again for your efforts in helping me and for the links.</p>