CC Meet-Ups at PREVIEW WEEKEND: The Plan!

<p>Everyone (Slippy and other Dads too) is invited to meet with us! You don’t have to have a DD going to Preview, to come meet us!!! We want to meet our CC friends if you are in T-town.</p>

<p>The first Meeting will take place Friday night after Early Registration ends. We will gather at 7:30pm at Jason’s Deli at 2300 McFarland E. I selected this because it is far enough away from the campus that we can have a chance to have seating and a reasonable expectation of ability to conduct a discussion. It is a nice chain that has deli food, beer and wine and has gluten-free selections. I will bring name tags and a BAMA flag so that you can identify me (I will be the very tall woman with the dark pixie-cut and freckles, trust me, you’ll know). So bring your DDs, and meet with Ahpimommy, my DD and me.</p>

<p>If you’d like to PM me to expect you, I will send you my contact info.</p>

<p>Saturday night, maybe the DDs will go eat on The Strip as a group, or in smaller groups…I invite the orphaned adults, (and DDs, if they can stand us two nights in a row,) to join me for dinner at a location TBD later (one with a full bar.) We can pool the information we collect in the Saturday Parent meetings to ensure we all leave with a complete set of info. </p>

<p>Okay. Sound alright???</p>

<p>We have a Plan!</p>

<p>Sounds great! We will be attending.<br>
I think it would be great for the DD’s to have dinner together on Saturday night without us parents. Then they can “be themselves” and may be more open to talking to all if we are not present. </p>

<p>Maybe we can team up for Saturday night based on who has a car and hotel locations? That way parents can ride together to our dinner date and the kids can ride together to their location. If anyone is interested? I’m going to be making my DD do most of the driving for this trip, including the 9 hour drive to T-Town, and around T-Town so that she can get familiar with how to get from A to B. We can hold 4 in our vehicle that is making this trip. We are staying at the Hampton Inn by campus.</p>

<p>TXArchitect, you are THE BEST :)</p>

<p>Sounds like a plan. My husband, my daughter and I will be attending Preview. We are from SoCal via Germany and Texas and really curious about Alabama… My daughter has not decided yet, and we hope that this trip to her 2 top schools will help her make up her mind…
We are staying at Country Inn on McFarland, so this should not be too far away.</p>

<p>Sounds great! Looking forward to meeting all y’all.</p>

<p>Tentative plan is for parents to gather upstairs at Mugshots Grill Saturday evening. Will confirm…</p>

<p>So disappointed, but my DD and I are now unable to attend Preview! We were so looking forward to meeting everyone, especially our new friends, TXArchitect and her DD! However, we do have a hotel reservation at Microtel (near campus) for 2 double beds that I will cancel unless someone else wants it. The Microtel is sold out for the weekend, which is why I am posting this. Please PM me if you want the reservation for Friday and Saturday night (I believe the total for both nights with tax is about $170)
I cannot wait to hear about your weekend, we will be thinking about you!!!
Also, TXArchitect, I will put your Bama Scarf in the mail for you!</p>

<p>The Microtel Reservation is on hold right now, as someone is checking into cancelling their own reservation. Will re-post if it becomes available!</p>

<p>The added attraction is that DD and I are staying at the Microtel, lol.</p>

<p>Hi, all.</p>

<p>Just got back from Missouri Valley Swimming and Diving Championships and opened up CC to find this thread. A long four days, but DH and I experienced a lot of great swimming and commaraderie with parents and swimmer friends. </p>

<p>Now it is back to real life and getting ready for NEXT weekend.</p>

<p>DD2 and I will be arriving in Tuscaloosa early Friday afternoon for Preview Registration. We would love to attend the CC events - definitely count us in!</p>

<p>I don’t know yet what kind of rental car I will get, but I’m sure there will be room for 2-3 more riders and I’m happy to chauffer.</p>

<p>We will also be staying at the Microtel, TXArchitect.</p>

<p>ok …me too at the microtel…thanks to a cancellation…I am so happy to share what I know…will spill beans for coffee (lol bad pun!!) I am there Thursday thru Sunday am early…seriously…love to chat!!</p>

<p>Sounds like a great time - my daughter and I will plan to stop by Friday night!</p>

<p>My D and I plan to be there on Friday night. Not sure if we are staying over Saturday night yet.</p>

<p>I’m so excited to meet all of you! My mom is now able to attend the weekend, but she won’t be flying in until late Friday night. We’re going to be staying with one of my dad’s coworkers who lives in Birmingham, so we won’t have to worry about checking into a hotel or anything. My dad and I are definitely going to the dinner to catch up with you all, and I assured him he won’t be the only dad there! Thank you all for putting this together! :)</p>

<p>@faithhopelove…my husband will be there as two guys for sure.��</p>

<p>Awesome! My dad can hang out with your husband rolling his eyes at all of the girl talk!! Haha. :)</p>

<p>UA Panhellenic Facebook posted that Early Registration for Preview Weekend is now at the SOUTH ZONE both Friday night and Saturday morning.</p>

<p>Is that the spot where the campus tours begin???</p>

<p>That is where we began our tour.</p>

<p>We met Allison Verhine of great renown at the Houston Reception last night. She, Danny our Regional Rep, Dr Carr of the Engineering College, they were all super and we left feeling better than ever about BANA.</p>

<p>ROLL TIDE!!!</p>

<p>^^^ We will miss the Dallas reception. It is Thursday night :(<br>
Thought that DH and D2 would go… alas, no. D2 has her school band concert.</p>