CC Ode-Writing Contest!

<p>Inspired by Maple's gushy and wowing thread concerning the awesomeness of AOM. :)</p>

<p>I now proclaim the start of the first ever College Confidential Poetry game! Alas, lame people might not take this seriously, but even though this thread could suffer from obscurity, I still put forth this very simple challenge:</p>

<p>Pick an idol. This person can be YOUR MOM, your favorite CC poster, your secret CC lover, your CC "other user" persona, or even someone from real life (assuming you have one, of course) :)</p>

<p>Next, browse through your mind for anything even remotely awesome about this person. It can be their sarcastic sense of humor, their epic posting history, or the fact that despite scorn and sniggers, they have managed to post SEVEN entire threads about their B+ lol</p>

<p>And of course, the last step is simply to let out your soul. The poem can be in free verse, sonnet form, limerick form, haiku form, or just anything in general.</p>

<p>Poems will be judged by an impartial panel on creativity, originality, devotion, and amount of slavish groveling love, etc.</p>

<p>Fire away...:)</p>

my fav’rite from the west coast.
He likes minesweeper.</p>

<p>It is superlative, your funny trip,
the penultimate experience in my life.
Second only to the simple time when frigid teeth
in chocolate cake were only common place.
And the world was only banana split galore.</p>

<p>Intricacy in trips
Subjugate the morose drive
To where the Koalas and Aardvarks thrive
And Aye-Ayes stare, with circular eyes
at narwhals through the glass on the side.</p>

<p>The nautilus serenely floats
Through clumps of green and red,
While swordfish carry strange rods on their head.</p>

<p>But these sight weren’t the best,
Not close at all.</p>

<p>I got to ride an emu.
So I thank you,
For the trip at the zoo.</p>

<p>no organization at all. I had to do this for an english assignment where I thought of a completely random list of words and had to make a poem of it. Its kinda trippy…</p>


<h2>And heres a found poem from another english assignment.</h2>

<p>(words from: Mysteries of the sea (cucumber) [Mysteries</a> of the sea (cucumber) - Juneau Empire](<a href=“]Mysteries”> )</p>

<p>Spotted, reddish forearms lie on their sides
Missing much of their skeletons
Meaty muscles run down its length</p>

<p>Elbow to elbow they lie,
Vast herds swarming the floor
Vacuuming up mud.
Little worms feeding
from the inside</p>

<p>Mad dogs, working
To harvest these critters
Which gyrate, self-eviscerate
To make a speedy getaway</p>

<p>A days work, piled in a boat
4,000 dried up embryos
Half a pound or less</p>

<p>Their skins boiled till black
Salted till shriveled
Meat in chicken breast-like-packages.</p>

<p>A delicacy.</p>

<p>Sea cucumbers anyone?</p>

<p>CC Hate thread would be so much better. Albeit kind of mean.</p>

<p>If thou couldst but divest thy soul
And thread creation skilz impart,
Perhaps no one would find it droll
And their posting into art.</p>

<p>Maple wrote his about AoM.</p>

<p>I am SO surprised.</p>

<p>*and TURN their posting into art. Gotta keep with the iambic tetrameter</p>

<p>TO KEATS AND BYRON (rl idols :b)
Their lives but brief when ta’en away:
The one wrote of his tangled dreams
The other of beauty’s fine ways.
Their loss was such a shame it seems
In our poetry depriv’d day.</p>

<p>Let me try my hand at this:</p>

<p>CC addiction beaten down
Wartsandall’s grave is now dug up
And finding herself on the ground
So on her posts we all can sup.
Think not that this poetic art
Of mind can not good deeds impart,
For shall you follow CC gods,
Thou shalt for college boost thine odds.</p>

<p>Impressive! Unfortunately 60% of responders are no longer here heehee…</p>

<p>To lolcake-
Each day I logged on was carefree
(though I checked “remember me”)
For your embracing attitude
Was enough to act as my brain’s food
I still remember, to this day
Your posts and jokes, so cute and gay</p>

<p>To fuzzleshnops, who also for some reason doesn’t come on here anymore-
Alas, your name attracted me
For it was the sole thing I could see
Of you! Of fuzzle, elusive child
Who runs through Emory, brilliant and wild
I miss your dryness, subtlety
Though at times your pics=incredulity
ThisCouldBeHeavn as your idol
Realize your presence is just as vital</p>

<p>Now to Maple-
I had thought you red-haired
But OMG you were not
Instead you have obsessions
Holy crap they were a lot
First some dude: ArtOfMind
(Who was one of a kind)
Then your beloved John Keats
(I’d take him over sweets)
And alas, they formed you
And you made numerous threads true
To both your heart and HSL
Though your soul you’d not sell
I’m here now to honor
All the posts you have made
For although some were lame
The rest can never quite fade</p>

<p>To meadow36, who humored me by posting in my cringe-worthy thread-
I could never shake off
The sound of your little cough
That is, the ring of your wisdom
Counteracting those kids dumb
I’d always loved your advice
Knowing you’d never get lice
For you’re all too clean for that
Isn’t California where you’re at?
Anyway, your posts stun me
I’m amazed by what you can see
Through the small scope of Asian eyes
You vanquish tears, hate, and lies
Plus you do some many contests
You must need many long desks
But I see and go “Whoa…”</p>

<p>I still need to find a panel of impartial judges lol…hmm, let’s see… :)</p>

<p>Ugh…only reading my “poems” I see how sad they are haha…they do nobody any justice. :D</p>

<p>It’s because they’re not in iambic pentameter lol</p>

<p>OMG, I’m so going to write a villanelle. But for whom…</p>

<p>It will suck though, and likely sound derivative. Just like when I tried to write my own aesthetic theory :(.</p>

<p>Thanks Noli:]</p>

<p>Abolished from sight based on law
An addictive forum seems to fall.
While waiting for the return of an admirable call
A poster captivates the attention of all.
As time progresses and as we wait
the inevitable occurs as if by fate.
The one we implore appears once more
As if establishing a founding core.</p>

<p>^That was my attempt at poetry lol</p>

<p>Pretty good, Warts!</p>

<p>I think Saugus could contribute a lot to this thread. He had some stunning hate poems.</p>

<p>Where are his poems?</p>

<p>I do not know who to write about :/</p>
