CC Podcast E11>> Use a Liberal Arts Degree to Make an Impact: Talking to the Dean of Admission at Willamette

In this episode of the Admitted: The (Official) College Confidential Podcast, @CC_Jon talks to @SueCorner_Willamette, Dean of Undergraduate Admission at ⁠Willamette University, about what makes Willamette unique, as well as the school’s core mission to empower students to take their knowledge and put it into action.

Dean Corner also shares insider insights into Willamette’s admissions process, the commitment to diversity post outlawing Affirmative Action, and more.

Check out the episode below:

Listen to all the episodes on Spotify:

Do you have any questions about Willamette or applying to a Liberal Arts college?

Make sure to ask your questions below and @SueCorner_Willamette will drop by to answer them. Engage with the school directly, ask away!


We are excited to have Dean @SueCorner_Willamette make time to engage with our community so make sure to ask any follow up questions about either the school or admissions to a Liberal Arts college by commenting below.

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I was interested to hear @SueCorner_Willamette say that students were sluggish. This is VERY noticeable in my opinion. I work with high schoolers to help them prepare for tests and apps, and it’s so difficult to get them to commit to anything. They never do anything on time. They want to reschedule everything constantly. It’s very frustrating and I’m not sure of what the cause is.

I’m a student and I feel sluggish, but I try not to behave that way. I think it’s a combination of things. We have experienced a lot of changes in a short period of time and it is exhausting. We also have so much information coming at us from all sides all the time. My mom talks about researching colleges when she was in high school and it seems so much more relaxed. I feel bombarded with pressure - from school, parents, social media. It can be easy to become paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong choice.

I don’t have any additional questions right now. I was fortunate to meet a rep at a college fair last year. Willamette is one of my top choices so I really enjoyed the podcast.


Thanks for a very informative interview. Willamette is also one of my daughter’s top choices. We were able to take a tour this summer and it is a beautiful campus. We also really liked how easy it seems to connect with your professors. Small discussion areas surround the professors offices and our guide said that many times they will come out and join the discussions.

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