CC student looking to transfer to NYU

<p>Hello everyone. </p>

<p>Currently at a community college. I want to transfer out of my school asap but do not know if I should go complete my AA first or transfer before I receive it.<br>
I dropped out of HS with a GED and have an SAT score of 930 six years ago. However I have significant life/work experience and am currently working for a company that consults Fortune500 businesses. The problem right now is that the classes I have registered for will probably not even transfer over due to the vast differences in curriculum. I have approx 24 of vocational business type credits and do not have a current GPA due to my excessive withdrawing from classes.</p>


<p>How competitive of a GPA do I need to transfer to CAS?
Do they weigh life exp, overcoming health issues, family obligations, etc. as much or more in the application decision?
I have attended college in the past but always withdrew, would it be in my best interest to just obtain an a.a?
Should I just look to maybe going to hunter?</p>