CC Summer School HELP PLEASE

<p>Does any one know if it is possible to take 2 classes in community college summer school. For example a math and science class. I know you would basicall forget a summer job.

<p>I have the same question. Did you look at the articulation agreement with the community colleges to see if they have the right transfer classes? Type in articulation agreement on the USC web site and see what it says. I think the question is more, is this a comfortable, doable arrangement of 2 such classes.</p>

<p>It’s definitely possible, but as mdcissp pointed out, make sure that the classes you plan to take do transfer over. Some courses transfer over as course equivalents so that you don’t have to take the course at USC, while other courses only transfer over as elective credit and do not replace a USC course. </p>

<p>When I took a class at a CC over the summer, I made sure that the specific CC I was going to take the class at provided the equivalent course that would transfer over so that I wouldn’t have to take it at USC. Then, I requested pre-approval. This whole process was through OASIS. You could probably search the ARR (Office of Academic Records and Registrar) website as well. Go to “Services” and then “Transferring Coursework.” The information regarding CC summer school should be the first bullet point. If all else fails or you get confused, contact the ARR office or consult your advisor.</p>

<p>I appreciate your help.</p>

<p>Speaking about CC: Can internationals go to a CC as well over summer, or are they only open to citizens of California?</p>



<p>You can with much higher fee. For example, CA students pay around $12/unit, non-resident pay $150/unit.</p>

<p>Here is one CC in CA, I think the rate is the same everywhere in CA.</p>



<p>[GCC-General</a> Info International](<a href=“]GCC-General”></p>

<p>Thanks, Columbia_Student! It’s still a whole lot cheaper than summer school at USC. Mh, looks like I’ll have to think about that…</p>