<p>ya this thread is bs, tufts does have ED</p>
<p>Not everyone goes to a school just for prestige (i.e. cornell, stanford, and Duke). Obviously if he applied to Tufts ED this must have already been one of his top choices. Tufts is an awesome school and was probably the best fit.</p>
<p>It would be pretty funny if he just gave his own stats to get alot of opinions on his own chances.....and just gave us some bogus results afterwards :)</p>
<p>lol wow I never even thought of that, good point foxdie</p>
<p>I'm sorry, I'm seriously not sure about the ED... I think he said he was doing something like that though</p>
<p>I'm pretty sure he applied ED though...</p>
<p>"wow, who chooses Tufts over Duke, Stanford, Cornell??????"</p>
<p>A decent number of people.</p>