CC to UCLA, Computer Science major

Hello! I normally would not ask what seems like it should be a common question. However, since the acceptance rate for computer science transfers is so low (4%), it makes some sense that I haven’t been able to find any successful transfer applications or any google sites that explore CC → UCLA as a CS major in depth.

Personally, I’m having some trouble deciding whether to choose the low acceptance rate or settle (like many others I found) do when they choose math of computation (or related) as their major. I have a 4.0 GPA, a relevant internship at a tech company, some cool projects in my git portfolio, and a few clubs. Back in high school, I don’t think that would’ve been enough.

So, I’m essentially wondering what 4% really means here. To what degree is the severity of competition compared to high school CS admissions? I’m interested in what accepted UCLA CS transfers had in their applications (besides a 4.0 or near 4.0 GPA, of course.)

Given that there are so few UCLA CS transfers accepted (63/1710 in 2022), I doubt that you will run across any of them here. However, considering that the transfer admit rate is the same as the regular admit rate, you must expect that the level of competition to be very similar.

On the other hand, if you were willing and able to transfer to another UC you could have a far better chance. For example, UCSD CS is actually better rated than UCLA CS by some measures: computer science open rankings, and has higher chance (~14% based on Transfers by major | University of California). If you were interested in doing data science you would obviously have a much higher admission chance.

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I have linked the 2022 Transfer profile:

I have searched several social media sites including CC and there is very little information/stats posted for admitted CS majors.

Your GPA is excellent, your internship and special projects will make you a competitive applicant. UCLA really wants to see all major prep classes completed by Spring prior to matriculation but more completed for the Fall application, the better. Also UCLA likes to see at least 1 of your English GE requirements completed at time of application but if both are done, that would be great.

Best of luck.

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4% means your chances are lousy :slight_smile:. You have a 96% chance of not getting in. But I wouldn’t worry too much about that. CS is a ridiculously employable degree and really, prestige is meaningless. Just find a good affordable school and you’ll be fine, I promise.

Hey guys! I’m applying to the UC’s as a computer science major this fall. My dream school has always been UCLA. Currently my gpa is a 3.84. I got a C in the first physics (but I was going through a rough time as I lost family in war) and a B in precalculus, the rest are all A’s. I had a software engineering internship over the summer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. I’m also president of the computer science club and the athletics club at my school. I also played for my school’s soccer team all three years at CC. There’s more extracurriculars including being VP of the East African culture club, but I was wondering what are my chances of getting into UCLA for computer science (or CSE) if I finish with all A’s this semester, including an A in the second level physics? Do you guys know anyone who transferred with a 3.8? Thanks!

The most current data for UC Transfer GPA by major (2022) shows the 25th-75th percentile admitted GPA range is 3.94-4.00 for CS and 3.91-4.00 for CE, so there were admitted students below the 3.9 GPA range.

You have a solid GPA, an internship under your belt and good EC’s. Continue to do well in your classes and you will have a solid chance. Transfers by major | University of California

Best of luck.

Thanks! I’m just worried about the C I got and was wondering if that would make a huge difference

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I am not admissions and yes the competition is tough for CS so all you can do is apply and see what happens. Best of luck.