Cc visit

<p>My S and I will be going to CC next week for their Fall Opem House. He will be doing an overnight, interview and class visit as well. We live in San Diego and have never been to Colorado Springs. He is VERY excited as he as wanted to visit CC for quite awhile. He is applying EA. Just wondered if anyone had any advice on where is a good place to stay close to the campus and maybe some good restaurants too. We will be flying into Denver and renting a car.</p>

<p>I would look into the Antilers Hilton. It is probably 8 blocks from campus and offers a nice breakfast buffet. I have two boys at CC (freshman and senior) and we have stayed there for each visit. Although I have not walked from the hotel to campus my boys do it all the time. What type of restuarant are you looking for ?</p>

<p>Thanks swimming!! I will check out the Antilers… as far as restaurants, jus casual fare… burgers, pizza, etc.</p>

<p>Restaurants are easy to find. From the Antlers Hilton walk East to Tejon Street, which leads directly into the CC campus. There are plenty of restaurants along Tejon or the intersecting side streets. MacKenzie’s Chop House (near the intersection of Colorado Ave) is good but pricey. There’s also a Chipotle, a Subway, and a pretty good Vietnamese place in the neighborhood (Saigon Cafe). There’s a Louie’s Pizza at Tejon and Boulder. I don’t know exactly where is the best burger place (ask around).</p>

<p>Also check out the neighboring town of Manitou Springs.</p>

<p>Thanks TK… I actually tried to send you a pm earlier, but your box was full. Can’t wait for our visit.</p>

<p>Phantom Canyon is across the street from the Hilton. Menu includes burgers, pasta, and salads, as well as more pricey entrees. If you are interested in a sushi/japanese steak house menu try Fujiyama (I believe it is on Tejon and close to campus). We are regulars at both restuarants when we are in town. My S eats at Fujiyama at least once per month. He loves it. I have been to McKenzies and and found it just OK for the price. I was also disappointed in the ambience. I think I would go to Broadmoor for dinner if I planned on spending that much money.</p>

<p>How was your visit?</p>

<p>leavesofgrass…his visit got rescheduled till this weekend because of play rehearsal, I will post back nexr week with a full report…</p>

<p>See you at CC this weekend, 5boys!</p>

<p>Great Outdoors!!! Do you live close? We are flying in from So Cal. We arrive late Saturday night to Denver and then we are going to do some sightseeing in Colorado Springs on Sunday till he has his interview at 5:00, he will then meet his host to do an overnite. I will meet back up with him Monday morning at the Open House.</p>

<p>Oh I’m going Thursday through Saturday. I am from NY.</p>

<p>So I guess we will miss you… you aren’t going to the Open House?</p>

<p>No I am not. I wanted to stay over night on a weekend night to get a feel for the social life. If I stayed for the open house I think it would have turned into a 3 night ordeal which I didn’t want because I am traveling alone.</p>

<p>oaky… got it… we will both have to report back on the overnight experience… weekend vs Sunday night.LOL!!</p>

<p>My CC visit was amazing! The first night I stayed in loomis but my host brought my over to slocum to meet her friends. I was amazed at how friendly everyone was. All the students were very welcoming. Some students were even going to Salsa class at 9pm! I hung out in the dorm next to mine for awhile. A lot of students were planning to go (thursday The next morning I ate breakfast in the new and beautiful dining hall! I sat in on Sociology of Family and was impressed with the dynamic of the class. The class was very interesting and the professor kept everyone engaged. After having an info session, tour and interview, I met up with a friend and stayed the night in Mathius. We went to a slam poetry event which was amazing. I saw the club hockey game and then went to a mini concert put on by a band comprised of upper classmen. Everyone was very friendly and chill! We went to the lacross house so I could see what a party was like. It was your typical frat-type party. There was A LOT of pot smoking throughout the night.
I loved my experience at CC. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.</p>

<p>My S absolutely LOVED CC!!! I mean EVERYTHING about it. He had a hard time leaving yesterday. He said he wants to change his EA to ED, but I talked him out of it because at the session on Application Tips they said the difference in accpetance rated for ED and EA were only around 3% difference, so I think it is still good for him to stay with the EA because of financial reasons. But, I do have to say that CC is a PERFECT fit for my S and he will be devastated if he doesn’t get in. </p>

<p>He stayed in the dorms, and he hit it off right away with his host. He was in Slocoum, and he spent the night in the… as my S said, “HUGE” dorms with a bunch of kids and made bread…LOL!!.. granted it was a Sunday night. He looked REALLY tired the next morning, but deliriously happy. He was already in a big bunch of kids and ditched me to eat breakfast with all of them. The kids were all casual…lots of kids in PJ’s, outdoorsy, a little quirky/hippyish…in a good way. Not a big athletic or greek presence, another check in my S’s box.</p>

<p>We were both VERY impressed with CC. Their Open House was very organized and we both felt like we got a great representaion of what CC was all about. He sat in on an Ecology class, as he will be probably be a ES major, and felt that the class was electric. He thought it was amazing that EVERY kid he met just raved about how much they LOVED CC. It was surprising to him… and he asked a lot of questions about some negatives about the block plan and didn’t get too many negatives. Our tour guide was a Senior, who was an Eagle Scout, rock climber, Pre- Med just like my S, so he asked him how Orgo was, " He said, Well, Orgo is hell no matter where you are, so you might as well only suffer for 3 1/2 weeks intead of a whole semester." He said it wasn’t that bad, but you just have no life for that block. All of this really appeals to my S, who likes to learn that way. I’m sure it would not be a good fit for some students. </p>

<p>We had a Student panel which was great. They all told us the schools they had turned down for CC and it was impressive… all of them stated the reason being the kids, the location and the block plan. They all seemed to think the block plan was the ONLY way to go to college. </p>

<p>One thing that stood out was that the Mayo Clininc Med School has recently switched to a block plan… they said the research was very positive that it is the best way to learn. Also, the opportunities for hands on learning and study abroad is outstanding. The other thing that my S really liked is that you get to develop very close relationships with the professors and your fellow students in the class, as you are all in this intense environment together for a whole month. On the student panel one of the parents asked if they felt there was a teacher who had made a profound impact in their life and the stories they told brought tears to my eyes. One kid was an Economics major and wanted to go into business and be a consultant. His Economics teacher thought it would be important for him to learn golf, so he took him out and taught him how to play golf… he was so touched by this as he knew the professor had a family and a life away from school.</p>

<p>All in all CC sounds like a perfect place for my S. Wish him luck come December.</p>

<p>Glad you and your son had such a positive experience at CC, 5boys! I was a bio major at CC (graduated this May) and absolutely loved it (of course!!!). Let me know if you have any more questions :). I’ll be crossing my fingers that your son gets good news in December!</p>