<p>Yup… makes life hard for fail asians like me…</p>
<p>Lol fail Asian…</p>
<p>The miserable lives of failed Asians… lol it would be more depressing than Shakespeare’s tragedies…</p>
<p>I’d never NOT date someone because of their SAT or GPA! I want someone motivated and intelligent, but come on…are you guys college admission officers or potential partners?!</p>
<p>I need someone fun. Not someone that’s as serious as me about my stats. So someone with a 2400 and 4.0 is kind of a turnoff…</p>
<p>Nope. I mean there’s obviously no score/GPA that qualifies somebody to be dateable but they should be reasonably up there. If you’re able to have intellectual conversations but don’t care about school that just shows me you’re lazy/not ambitious. This would mainly just apply to high school dating. Once I get to college I don’t think this will matter at all, being that if I end up going to the school that I want to go to, all the boys there will have to have been marginally intelligent enough to get in anyway.</p>
<p>I wouldn’t base it on GPA or book smarts or anything. But I do prefer to be in a similar range of intelligence as my girlfriends. If they’re a little less intelligent so be it, but a drastic difference and I just feel like carrying on a significant conversation is difficult on her behalf and dull on mine. </p>
<p>Intelligence is one of the most important factors for me in who I get involved with. I feel like I’m pretty evenly matched with my significant other, even though our school histories are substantially different. That shouldn’t matter. I can understand why you’d need respect for the lifestyle you lead (study habits and stuff) and why it might be nice to be with someone who’s going to be similar, but I can’t see it as being significant enough to not pursue someone.</p>
<p>Once I was dating my ex, the subject of SAT came up and finding out that his score was so low (less than 1800) was definitely a turn-off. I already knew he wasn’t serious about school, even though he was smart. I think that this lack of motivation was what really ended it. </p>
<p>Not going to lie, intelligence, interest and drive is more attractive to me than any cute face or six-pack (though of course they don’t hurt).</p>
<p>are* (10char)</p>
<p>Really? Not wanting to go to an Ivy doesn’t mean you’re not ambitious. It may mean you want to dedicate your life to music and spend several hours a day playing. It may mean you don’t really bother writing an insightful paper for your history class but instead focus on studying math so that you can go to an IMO. It may mean you have to work to help your family and hence don’t spend as much time studying as you’d like to. It may even mean you think yourself a revolutionary and hate the idea of having your intelligence be reduced to a number, and so you decide to drop out and a start a project on your own. It’s all fine if you only want to date someone with a particular brand of intelligence and drive (not the most coherent wording, but you know what I mean), but that doesn’t make everyone else lazy.</p>
<p>They don’t have to be at my level (or higher) of intelligence. They just have to be intelligent.</p>
<p>There are many ways to be intelligent. The one thing that probably popped in your mind - and most peoples’s mind - was probably the “school” or “book” kind of intelligent. </p>
<p>As long as you are emotionally intelligent, and I would love to meet you. I don’t want someone who can’t empathize with me, someone who can’t sit down and share in my joys, or my sorrows. I want someone I can relate to on a emotional level - I want to transcend the physical aspects of relationships and just have someone to talk to and someone who can relate.</p>
<p>Here are my priorities in dating:</p>
<p>1) Must make interesting conversation on any topic that comes up. Topics must arise spontaneously, with no awkward lulls. </p>
<p>2) Attractive.</p>
<p>3) Tall enough that I don’t feel like a giant. For example, if a girl is 5’4", it is hard for me to consider her a peer, because she looks like a dwarf to me. I’d always have to lean over to speak to her. </p>
<p>4) Does interesting things and enjoys quirky dates, rather than exclusively dinner+movie stuff. Avoids obsessive TV watching. </p>
<p>Other than that, I can’t think of anything. Intelligence might factor in to some of those areas, but if it doesn’t, what use would it be from my perspective? Oh, and it’s a given that she has to have integrity.</p>
<p>^ That’s very particular. I hope you find her someday. (But seriously, NO lulls in conversation? Give her a break once in a while!)</p>
<p>When I date, intelligence doesn’t even cross my mind. Maybe he isn’t as smart as me but that doesn’t affect how I feel about him. I’m young so I tend to be less picky about the people I date. Overall, people who worry about this kind of stuff are asking for too much. If I can have a decent conversation, (about a movie, show, ECs, vacations etc.) smile, have fun and making each other happy, why ask for more? :)</p>
<p>@Studious: Sorry, let me clarify. I’m fine with lulls. However, I’m not looking to have awkward pauses and forced conversation. </p>
<p>It’s not that hard to find people that meet my criteria.</p>
<p>JimboSteve, judging by your preferences we should be a quirky indie movie couple. Michael Cera can even play you.</p>
<p>Simple answer: yes. I don’t care if he has a high GPA or he gets into a good college. Those things don’t matter. What matters is that he knows how to be polite and caring. Yes I would like to have someone intelligent that I could deeply converse with, but honestly if I was in love with someone I wouldn’t care.</p>
<p>Yes. I am attracted to guys who are funny, into music like me, genuine, easy to be around, and confident. Most of the time, these guys also happen to be smart (like my boyfriend). But if I met someone I really liked who was maybe not as “smart” as me, it wouldn’t bother me. I also think they’re are multiple kinds of intelligence. Even people with less than stellar grades or test scores can be smart in different ways.</p>
<p>if I only dated people smarter than me, I’d never date, and it wouldn’t be because nobody’s smarter than me. anyone that shallow is not getting any girls. </p>
<p>if they are reasonable, have goals that they are working towards, and are decently open-minded, they fit the bill. if there is chemistry, then it works. if not, oh well. there are some hard-and-fast rules by which I abide when dating, but intelligence is not one of them. I have plenty of brains for the both of us.</p>
<p>If we can have interesting (read: weird) conversations, & he makes me think about something in a different way/confuses me every once in awhile… then I probably couldn’t be happier.</p>