<p>Hey everybody! This is my first time using this site so I'm not exactly sure if I'm even putting this question in the right spot but this is a question to anyone who has applied/been accepted/has graduated/or is interested in pursuing musical theatre. Anybody who has a legitimate opinion that they can back up!</p>

<p>I am lucky enough to have been accepted to Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Cincinnati-College Conservatory for musical theatre and I'm very very confused about which program is right for me. I completely understand that many will say that "it depends on you and what you want in a school" and I agree. But I'd really like to know anyone's objective opinions on which program is better... based on alumni, connections, training, things like that. Which school do you think is the better choice for musical theatre training?</p>

<p>Thanks I'll appreciate anybody's help and comments!</p>

<p>Carnegie Mellon.</p>

<p>I would pursue this question here <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Many posters there familiar with the programs’ strengths, weakness, and composition.</p>