Cell phone service at Va Tech?

<p>My daughter has been using Sprint service, but I hear that Sprint does not give very good reception at VT. What cell service works best? We like the unlimited data we get from Sprint, but that will not be helpful if the signal is weak.</p>

<p>I’m on Sprint and I’ve been on Sprint ever since I came to VT three years ago. </p>

<p>They are awful. In some buildings you wont even get a signal (even when a friend on Verizon will be on full bars) and I’ll often receive text messages and missed calls a couple hours later. I’m using a Samsung Galaxy S3 so I’m not using a crap phone, the service provider is just bad.</p>

<p>It’s actually causing me to hop off my parents cell phone plan once I’m eligible to leave. Sprint works and that unlimited data is good, but I don’t think it’s worth it. </p>

<p>Good to know, since it is time to upgrade the phone, and I don’t want to commit to two years of crappy service! You have probably talked with friends to see what cell services works well at Tech. What alternatives are you considering? </p>

<p>Verizon is considered the best. Blacksburg is a 4G network on Verizon. </p>

<p>I’ve heard AT&T works but is spotty, but Sprint and T-Mobile are the worst. </p>

<p>Verizon has worked “perfectly” for the last 3 years for us. My son probably wishes he had the excuse of not getting my text… :smiley: </p>

<p>@Cloudycloud, can you get Sprint telephone reception using Roaming?</p>

<p>I know what “Roaming” means but I never know when I’m roaming. </p>

<p>When I’m outside I’ll always get at least one bar, but I’ve had calls where our voices would briefly not reach the other side. Actually that happens quite often. </p>

<p>Sprint’s personal network is actually quite small, so I’d imagine I’m roaming often. </p>

<p>For what it’s worth, my significant other’s family are Blacksburg natives (parents are professors) and they have had Sprint, as do several other families. Didn’t seem to have problems getting service on campus (except in underground floors like Torg) or in dorms.</p>

<p>Son had AT&T last year and really no problems…he said some places were better than others, but he was in West AJ and we could always get him in his room without any trouble.</p>

<p>I have AT&T and it really isn’t that bad. I usually don’t have any issues for the most part. Sometimes my service would be spotty in some buildings where I had classes, but I didn’t need my phone during that time so I didn’t see it as an issue.</p>