Cell Phone

<p>We have heard that some schools get better reception going with certain carriers. Can anyone comment if that's true at Miami?</p>

<p>Most people get reception everywhere except for in some of the stone buildings. We’re in Miami, so every major carrier will offer reception here.</p>

<p>I use T-Mobile and get a signal everywhere, if it helps.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>I get reception everywhere with AT&T. it’s a bit more expensive especially when you have an iphone and you need to purchase data packages but I get reception everywhere on campus.</p>

<p>I got reception everywhere except the Learning Center (lecture hall building) with Verizon.</p>

<p>anyone know how sprint is?</p>

<p>Sprint here. Son has had it (and us) for all of his 4 years at UM. Never a problem and great reception (better than the reception at home)!!!</p>