<p>What's better? Verizon Wireless or AT&T?</p>
<p>Verizon Wireless, by far.</p>
<p>at&t suck…</p>
<p>Yes I am aware of this however I was actually asking current students because I know AT&T has a building in Atlanta so maybe their cell service is decent? </p>
<p>I don’t know if I should switch to AT&T and get iPhone or wait until it comes out for Verizon.</p>
<p>in the city it doesnt really matter what service you get…but i can assure you that you might go on trips to the countryside and then youll feel the byte…</p>
<p>lol Verizon’s signal is full bars in the middle of a dense forest in the middle of the blueridge mountains…its that good…with 3G</p>
<p>Iphone is rumored to come to verizon this year either in the spring or the summer…so you should be able to get iphone if you want</p>
<p>Dont look at Iphone only…Android is stepping up its game like a lot! Already Android is miles ahead in hardware…way better hardware.
In apps its catching up…its currently at 200,000 vs iphones near 300,000
which is good. And they did this in only few months! Which means that we will probably see android up to 300k by next year!</p>
<p>4G!!! While AT&T is only gonna use an updated version of HSPA…verizon is starting to roll out its LTE network in major cities including Atlanta. Verizons LTE is around 3x to 5x faster than AT&Ts HSPA+
Currently Verizon still offers “unlimited” network while AT&T has limited it to 2GB and 4GB.</p>
<p>thats my 2 cents!</p>
<p>Yeah true if iPhone doesn’t come soon enough to Verizon I may just have to get a Droid. A lot has to do with the apps haha I know Droid is catching up but I still can’t see it ever being better than the iPhone. </p>
<p>But the 4g LTE seems cool.</p>
<p>well we all know that at the moment the iphone is better in terms of quality of apps. However that is a severly limiting factor in buying smartphones, at least thats how i see it. </p>
<p>When i look at my most iphone friends they say “i got 300k apps!” and a few weeks later the only thing they use it for is texting and calling and browsing the web. Taking a few pictures.</p>
<p>Android does the same but web, facebook, twitter, etc have better integration. Also android apps are usually free even iphone ported ones…because of ads…but at least its free!</p>
<p>And after a while you dont really care about the apps only some times…</p>
<p>Yeah 4G LTE is cool! Its so fast!
<p>I also urge you to look into a Blackberry. Instant email is a huge plus in college</p>
<p>I’m waiting on iPhone for a long time. Definitely not Blackberry - web browsing is awful and apps suck.</p>
<p>Ehhh, there’s a download for OperaMini which is a pretty decent web browser.
And Blackberry has the good apps anyway.</p>
<p>But if you’ve been waiting for a while, definitely get the iPhone</p>
<p>I have ATT and I get service everywhere, minus the first floor of the library, where no one gets service.</p>
<p>Well, my AT&T service woeks great on campus, all around Atlanta and everywhere else I’ve been in Georgia.</p>