Centre College Class of 2019 EA decision thread

Accepted with a $14,000/year scholarship.
Math SAT: 610, Verbal 710
GPA: 3.6
Extracurricular: VP of student senate, Officer positions in NHS and NAHS, lots of volunteer work, 3 year member of Youth and Government club
Sports: Captain of XC team (2 year winner of coach’s award), state qualifier 5 years, 3 year state qualifier for swim team (2 year winner most improved)
Really good recommendation letters.
Congratulations to everyone who was accepted!! :smile:

Got in with 18000/year
3.6 gpa, 30 ACT, 7 APs
Pretty good ECs with classical piano for 7 years, piano teaching, tutoring, lots of community service, officer in key club, etc.
Good recs and essay

Accepted with 14k a year scholarship (Centre Award)
3.75 gpa, 29 ACT, 4 APs
Pretty good ECs (service trips, music, 4 years of athletics, summer job)

Good luck to everybody else!

Accepted with 18k a year scholarship! 27 ACT, 1 AP, and decent extracurriculars–nothing too fancy. Good luck to everyone! @4kids4colleges‌ I guess it did end up being no big deal! Good luck to you!

Thrilled to report D awarded Colonel’s scholarship, $20k per year. Love this school.

30 ACT 3.75 UW,
ECs = 4 yrs of 2 sports, extensive fine arts, community service, mission work, geographically diverse, visited and interviewed (key I think), excellent essay.

Congratulations all!

Got accepted with $27k award. Goodluck everyone! I am considering between Centre and Lawrence University :<

D received a 14K scholarship.
30 ACT; 3.5UW

Big cheers for everyone!

Accepted w/ $18,000 scholarship

Lives in-state
3.92 UW
28 ACT
8 total APs (5 senior year) (4 years of Spanish classes + 4 years of choir elective)
Very involved in arts programs at school + Yearbook Editor + Summer Journalism Internship + Spanish Club Officer 2 years + Choir Officer 1 year + NHS

Attended KY GSA for Drama (3 weeks on Centre’s campus this past summer actually) + KY All State Chorus for 2 years (go altos)

Congrats to everyone!

Applied and auditioning for the Performing Arts Scholarship in February.

Somebody make sure to post something if they receive the financial aid offer thing.

Anyone heard about financial aid yet?

D’s award has been posted to her CentreNet page.


Received the financials online today as well. Centre is definitely in the mix. Visiting Beloit and Lawrence the second week of April and then make my final decision.

Friend was notified of her big financial aid offer this past week on her CentreNet account.

I haven’t gotten word back yet about financial aid since we had some missing documents earlier, but I was notified in mid-March that I ended up getting the Centre Drama Scholarship after auditioning back in February (another 5k on top of the initial Founders Scholarship (18k) I received), so we’re chopping up the tuition a little bit at a time!