<p>Two quicks questions.</p>
<p>1.) Does Ceramics affect your GPA? I got an A in every class this quarter besides Ceramics. When colleges recalculate your GPA, do they include arts classes? And do all colleges pretty much recalculate GPA's, or do some take it at face value? I'm not applying to an arts school, by the way.</p>
<p>2.) If my semester end on 1/24, and deadlines are 1/15, will a college get my semester grades in time if we receive report cards around 2/3? </p>
<p>Thanks so much in advance.</p>
<p>1) Depends on your school. At mine it does. In fact, an art class is required for graduation. As for college GPAs, it depends too. For UCs, art credits are required so they probably do. Other schools might only look at academic classes.</p>
<p>2) Most colleges want them around February at the latest.</p>
<p>1.) Jeez, no A in ceramics? Easy A if you show up at our school. (And ready-made presents for parents/grandparents/misc. minor relatives …) I think it counts, but is looked at in perspective of total curriculum.</p>
<p>2.) You don’t have any control on your reporting period, so it won’t be held against you. It gets there when it can.</p>
<p>Send your transcrip now so they have one, and when the transcript gets updated with the 1st semester grades send it again. I also recommend telling the college that they will not get your first semester gradess by the deadline. Colleges calculate GPAs in their own way. Sometimes they use only your core academic GPA, sometimes they use the cummulative GPA which includes all classes, sometimes colleges only use your GPA from 10th grade to your 1st semester senior grades. It all depends, if you call admissions they will tell you how they calculate your GPA.</p>
<p>Haha, I remember last year, with all my AP and honors classes, the only course I was sweating over as the semester approached was Ceramics… I’m just not an artist, what can I say?</p>
<p>Others have answered your questions well, just thought I’d throw that in there.</p>
<p>Thanks for the help, guys.</p>
<p>And yeah, it’s really bugging me that I can get straight A’s in 5 AP’s, yet I pull a low B in ceramics. I’m not very good at art to begin with, and as a result, I take longer on projects and fall behind.</p>
<p>“And yeah, it’s really bugging me that I can get straight A’s in 5 AP’s, yet I pull a low B in ceramics. I’m not very good at art to begin with, and as a result, I take longer on projects and fall behind.”</p>
<p>Yup. Happens all the time. Now you know for certain that there are more ways than one of being “smart” or “good at things”. You are fortunate to have learned that lesson lots sooner than many people!</p>
<p>Don’t sweat this so much. The admissions offices have seen everything, and will know from your transcript that you are better at certain kinds of learning than at others. And, that is OK with them. They will also be looking for some kids who get straight As in art classes to fill the Art department, and may end up overlooking a B or two in AP-whatever on those Art students’ transcripts.</p>