Ch 104 Vs Honors Ch 117 &Honors Q's?

<p>We are getting ready for Bama Bound and making preliminary schedules. Chemistry will be DD’s hardest class. She only needs Chmeistry 104 and 105 for the nursing program but she wants to take some honors classes. She didn’t have a good Chemistry teacher in high school so she’s not going in with a strong background in Chemistry. We have read to take an easy load first semester. Just curious how much harder the honors Chemistry will be. She needs an A in Chemistry to get into the nursing program. I thought Honors Psychology would be her best bet for her first honors class but they are already full. Any other honors classes she could take? Do they add more honors classes later if demand is higher? She has all of her English and Social Studies classes from AP and DE. Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>Since she needs an A for nursing, I don’t think she should take Honors Gen Chem. That is a weeder course for pre-meds and other STEM. The chances that she’d get an A in it are much lower.</p>

<p>Gen Chem is not the place to be grabbing honors credits if you’re a nursing major. It is brutal. :)</p>

<p>Honors Psych may not really be full. The seats may be held back for each BB. </p>

<p>What other Core is she missing? How about an honors Fine Arts?</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. Ch 104 it is. she wants to do the Tuscaloosa Fine Arts class but heard it was tough to get first semester. </p>

<p>She needs a math. They sent her a letter that she was placed in Math 125, although she wants to take a lower math for an easy A. Her high school was on the 90-100%=A. My daughter has always been one to do the bare minimum so is entering college with a 3.8 gpa. She’s freaked out starting that low. Another, “told you so” mom moment. I’m pleased to say it’s another “I know, you were right” daughter moment.</p>

<p>The class list for freshman year that she needs is CS102, py101, ch104/105, hd101, nur102, fa, math 110 or higher. The other classes she needs are NHM 101, SOC 101/Ant 101, another CS or FL, PHL 204 or 200, and statistics. </p>

<p>Is there a list of honors classes, seminars and book experiences? I can’t seem to find it. Thanks so much.</p>

<p>Here’s a list of the honors courses. Scroll down a little to find the ones for fall.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Pinkturtles, will your D have a car on campus? I believe the Fine Arts in Tuscaloosa involves some off campus sites. We were surprised to find out the first honors class my D took required mentoring at an elementary school in Northport, and the kids had to make their own transportation arrangements. Since she had no car, she occasionally had to scramble to find a ride.</p>

<p>“entering college with a 3.8 gpa”</p>

<p>Is that her high school GPA or is that transferred college credits GPA? If it’s her high school GPA, then it shouldn’t matter, should it?</p>

<p>So do you recommend avoiding honors chem for engineering freshmen?</p>


<p>No, but since nursing students essentially need straight As, and they don’t need that difficult of a chem class, why risk admittance into the nursing program by taking a harder course?</p>

<p>That’s her transfered gpa for her DE classes.</p>

<p>Ahh…then she needs to pad her GPA. Are any of those science classes? I think science classes count double.</p>

<p>That gpa was for one science course. However, she may be ok. When she logged onto Degree Works to work on her schedule her college gpa on her credits show a 4.0. They must not count the percentage so her A- was counted as an A. Phew!!!</p>

<p>Another question. As we’re looking at scheduling CH104, it seems like lots of kids are taking their lab right after class. That would be around 4 1/2 hours on one subject. Is it better to get it over with while the information is still fresh or take it on a different day. Right now she’s hoping for the TR class at 12:30, so lab would be either right after on Tuesdays, Mondays or Wednesdays. She doesn’t want to take lab on Friday if at all possible. Thanks so much.</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s necessary to take it on the same day. It’s up to your D.</p>