chaaaaance me, please

<p>Hello, I'm a junior and please tell me if I at least have a shot. I know my ACT score is not the best but I am taking it again in April. This is really the only school I ahve ever wanted to go to. </p>

<p>GPA: 5.2 on a 5 scale, because of honors classes. I also have no idea as to how to change it to UW's GPA.
Didn't take SAT yet, but planning
From Illinois


<p>Freshman Year Activities:
Student Council
Fall Play
Spring Musical
Guitar lessons</p>

Habitat For Humanity
Acafellas Acapella Group-On ABC 7 Chicago News Morning Television broadcast
Snowball Club
Snowball Retreat in Wisconsin
Guitar lessons </p>

Honors Choir (In School)
Acafellas Acapella group
Habitat For Humanity
Habitat for Humanity Summer Building trip in West Virginia
Snowball Club
Spring Musical
National Honors Society
Choir-Section Leader
Community Service:Ronald McDonald House, 20 hours
Community Service: Toy Express, 35 hours</p>

<p>Also, I've heard that Wisconsin only cares about standardized testing and GPA. true?</p>

<p>Also , I have taken all 4 years of all the required subjects.</p>

<p>2 AP classes currently; AP US and AP lang and comp
3, possibly 4 next year; AP Government, AP Micro-Economics, AP Environmental Science, and AP Literature and Comp
honors spanish, english, and history all 4 years
honors science 3 years, and honors math freshman year (Got a B, so went down to regular).</p>

<p>Definitely a shot -- but you've gotta keep working hard.</p>

<p>Keep your grades up for this semester, maintain a solid GPA with your AP's next year (and seriously question whether it's more important to you to be in all those APs and risk a lower grade).</p>

<p>Also--the ACT, in order for it to be a sure bet, should go up 2 points. Don't get me wrong, you've got an acceptable ACT, but out of staff it's a tough, tough game.</p>

<p>Good luck -- but don't worry about these threads. Go keep working hard, enjoying your junior year, and live in the moment. Life is too short to be getting overwhelmed about this--keep doing your best and stay focused.</p>

<p>We look forward to hearing how it goes -- keep us posted!</p>

<p>Wow, thank you so much. Honestly, I was expecting pretty much all negative replies because of my ACT, but thanks for putting things into perspective.</p>

<p>Unweighted gpa- just use a 4.0 scale for A,B,C =4,3,2... add or subtract .3 for + and -. Ask you school how to convert to a 4.0 scale. No extra points for honors/AP. gpa and test scores count most. Many will have the usual EC's. Read up on things on the UW website admissions page/links.</p>

<p>your in</p>

<p>theres no way you just "have a shot"</p>

<p>Thanks man haha this website just scares me all these people get 30s and don't get in and thanks for the gpa wis75</p>