Chadbourne at UW

<p>Hey guys question about Chadbourne Residential College. I chose Chadbourne because it separates genders by wing (not into having guys live on either side of me) and because I liked a lot of the things that CRC offers like the mission trip and lectures. Also, I thought I would meet some genuinely nice people there. However, I've been researching and a lot of people say that it's a "nerdy dorm" and really strict on partying. I actually like to party a lot and I'm not really nerdy. Am I going to have a difficult time finding people to go out and party with living in Chadbourne? Or is it a pretty mixed environment? I'm hoping to still be able to party and have a good social life while participating in the CRC activities. Any thoughts? I appreciate it thanks!!</p>

<p>The vast majority of parties are off campus–not in any dorms. Won’t be a problem.</p>

<p>My daughter lived in Chadbourne freshman and sophomore years and will live in apartment next spring after she returns from study abroad. While she is looking forward to the apartment living, she said she will miss living in Chad. She met a great group of friends there–most, like her, lived there at least two years, some all four. I guess it’s a dorm that easily becomes home. Nerdy? It’s a huge dorm so I suppose there will be some people like that. I’d never describe my daughter or her friends nerdy. Smart, driven sure but not nerdy. Like barrons said, parties are mainly off campus so don’t choose a dorm based on that. My kid seemed to never have a problem finding multiple parties any weekend (which begin on Thirsty Thursday). And there seemed to be at least a few people on the floor each year who had alcohol or other things but with House Fellows, that kind of partying is limited to individual
rooms. </p>

<p>Nerdy? Gee, you are attending a top public U- not finishing school. The phrase is STUDY hard, then play hard- not party first and, oh, btw, get through your classes. You could have picked a lot of dorms with genders in different wings or on different floors. Also plenty you may think are “nerdy”- perhaps most UW students will seem nerdy to you. Remember- drinking alcohol is illegal until age 21, therefore those who choose it will usually have to go off campus regardless of where they live.</p>

<p>You basically decided you wanted the CRC- be happy for that and discover that those around you also chose Chad for that reason. You are not limited to your dorm for eating and activities. Who knows- you may decide to be friends with some in a more party dorm and choose to eat and hang out with them more than your dorm friends.</p>