<p>^most vague scholarship title ever</p>
<p>I’m confused- does Champlain not have individual merit scholarships? Do admissions look comparitvely at all the accepted applicants’ stats and decide how much merit to give them from that?
On the NPC it says I can receive anywhere from 10,000 to 35,000 in this scholarship, which is a HUGE difference. Can anyone post their stats and tell me how much money they got?</p>
<p>Would love to hear about some Champlain acceptances and stats!!!</p>
<p>Accepted: Computer Science
GPA: 3.3 unweighted
ACT 30</p>
<p>@coffeemom- how much merit aid did your kid receive?</p>
<p>So…letters were going out last Wed/Thurs but still no mail here in Maine 
Have folks heard back for RD ?</p>
<p>My son got his RD acceptance letter last Friday. We haven’t gotten any financial/scholarship info yet though. We’re hoping for some kind of merit!</p>
<p>Congratulations to you! Still waiting for the mail here…</p>
<p>My son got his acceptance letter Saturday. It said financial info will follow in about 2 weeks.</p>
<p>They said that the financial aid and scholarship letter would be mailed in 2 weeks.</p>
<p>WooHoo, the letter finally arrived this afternoon and it was worth waiting for!!
The Game Design major looks amazing. So happy for my son. Financial aid letter next.</p>
<p>Can everyone post their basic stats and merit scholarship money in two weeks please?</p>
<p>4BoysMum - congrats! I’m so happy for your son!!</p>
<p>We’re anxiously awaiting the FA info. My son really wants to go to Champlain, but he also got a good package from our state school (which has a great CS program). It will be hard to pass that up unless he gets some good merit from Champlain!</p>
<p>We are in the same situation. He got an amazing scholarship from another school which he loves and I think Champlain will be too much of a stretch financially 
I am very proud of the way he has made rational decisions about loans etc even though he loves Champlain.
Good luck to your son and fingers crossed for some great financial offers!</p>
<p>I got 18,000 in scholarship money per year. It’s decent but I don’t think I will be attending because I got the same amount of money from a school that accepts 39%. I really loved Champlain though and would have gone if I was given more scholarship money. It has such a great college atmosphere. I got a 30 on my ACT and have a 3.9 GPA.</p>
<p>@Danamal-…that’s crap. Not what you’re saying, but how little you received. Looks like Champlain is just trying to increase their # of applicants by saying “oh, you MAY get up to 35K idk” on their net price calculator.</p>
<p>Any more news out there from Champlain??</p>