Chance a 22 year old for Columbia GS Fall 2009?

<p>Hey everyone, I want to transfer into GS for Fall 2009. Here's my stats:</p>

<li>SATs: 760V, 700M</li>
<li>College GPA: 3.55 - Deans List at another 4 year college. (Tier 3)</li>
<li>Graduated High School, 26/300</li>

<p>I took a year off college because my little brother became sick and I had to help take care of him. At the same time, I worked a bit, mostly being self employed and starting a business. But nothing spectacular between the time off. Compared to the other applicants, I am not 30 years old, never in the Army, never a firefighter or policeman, never stationed in Iraq for 4 know, nothing special.</p>

<p>The main reason GS works for me is because of their part-time study program where I can work and help out my brother and complete school at the same time. </p>

<p>Do I still have a chance?</p>

<p>IMO if you have a strong chance. They will like your excellent standardized testing scores. Your GPA is a tad below what they like, but I really don’t think that it will rule you out of contention at all. Also, what you have done in your time off is good stuff. There are lots of GS students that apply in your age range, don’t worry. Are you going to apply ED? I would suggest it. Good luck!!</p>

<p>also i wouldn’t say you “had” to help take care of your brother. i know that is not what you meant but it could come off the wrong way.</p>