Chance a Bay Area Asian CS Male for T10 CS

On another front: I do not understand your thinking on LoRs. You are applying to a (very competitive) quant subject. Most of the schools on your (very reachy) list ask for 2 academic LoRs. You are planning to send 1 strong academic LoR from the humanities side, and 1 mediocre LoR from an EC.

I suspect that a fair few of the schools on your list will also be curious about that decision. If you are a top-tier student in a strong school, how do you not have a math or science teacher who sees your potential and would be willing to write a strong academic LoR? and if you are going to buck the usual 2 academic LoRs in favor of an EC rec, why wouldn’t you pick one that would be dazzling??


Yes, and if you don’t have one then applying to the UK will be very difficult, regardless of your AP scores.

Thanks for the advice everyone

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I lurk usually; this is my first time posting

Typo, I meant to put in my CS teacher, not English

An anecdotal frame of reference regarding Notre Dame (on your list) wanting more Asians:

My nephew (1/2 Asian) got rejected from Notre Dame a few years ago. He was a Top 10 student at a very competitive HS in the country, 1520 SAT, 3 year captain of HS hockey and baseball team (fits the sports culture at school), played violin, full pay, parents paid for counselors, etc.

Do you know how your nephew classified himself on his application?

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