Chance a Californian (TAKE A LOOK!)

<p>White Male
Upper-Middle Class
Los Angeles Area
Pretty good public school. Ranked about 50th in CA & 500th in USA.</p>

<p>GPAs are unweighted:</p>

3.4 / 3.6
1 Honors Course (Not UC Approved)</p>

2.8 / 3.0
4 Honors Courses (Killer!) (Only 1 Honors is UC Approved Weighted)</p>

3.67 / 3.25 (2nd Semester is Expected - Trying to bump it - 3 more weeks of school)
1 AP & 1 Honors (Eased it up a bit) (Both UC Approved Weighted)</p>

Planned 2 APs + Leadership</p>

<p>SAT: (Just got today!) My Strength!
CR: 690
M: 710
W: 610</p>


<p>(Did way better than I expected & than on PSAT!)
I plan to take it 1 or 2 more times so hopefully will do a bit better. I beat all my friends who even took classes and got better GPAs than me so I was pretty happy!</p>

<p>Plan to take SAT Subject Tests but will probably just do decently on them.</p>

<p>Pretty Good ECs:
-Leadership (Commissioner)
-Leadership in an Elective Class
-Couple Awards
-Traveled to 10 Countries
-70 Hours of Community Service (40 in Foreign Country Building a House)
-Fairly Active in Church
-2 Clubs
-Plan to do something this summer: Work / Community College Class / Leadership Camp, etc.. (any suggestions?)</p>

-Only 3 Years of Math (Adv. Alg, Pre-Calc, & Stats) - No Math Sr. Year (AP Calc is super hard at our school, my friend got an F and we have no other math classes.)
-Only 2 Foreign Language (Teachers sucked & I got bad grades)
-4 Science (2 AP, 1 Honors)
-Lots of Electives
-Everything else is good.</p>

<p>Yeah, so I kind of screwed up during 10th grade. Chance me! I'm nervous with my low GPA!</p>

<p>Planned Major: Business</p>

(None of them include sports, Weighted = All APs + Honors = Additional Point)</p>

<p>9-11 Un-Weighted:
9-11 Weighted:
10-11 Un-Weighted:
10-11 Weighted:
UC (& Cal States too?) (10-11 & only some are weighted):

<p>What GPA does Miami use? I'm only used to CA schools? haha</p>

<p>Chances would be greatly appreciated. :D I have no clue what my chances are. Thankss!! Anything especially that Miami likes that I could do to improve my chances this summer?</p>


<p>You have a shot, but its around 50 50. Solid extra currics, good test scores, lowish GPA. Tough one</p>

<p>Thanks! That was quick.</p>

<p>Also, what could I do to improve my chances?</p>

<p>Bump up the GPA. That’s your weak point.</p>

<p>Yeah, I’m working on it…</p>

<p>Any advice for what I should do this summer to improve my chances?</p>

<p>Apply Early Action for sure. Better chance of money there. Keep up your activity in your EC’s. Make sure your essays are up to snuff (get a couple people to check them). That’s all you can do really.</p>


<p>Sorry for the late reply, had to inject some humor in another thread.</p>

<p>One critical component I would like to see, what is your class rank? Did you do sports at the varsity level (two years JV, no prob, just shows you are dedicated and active)</p>

<p>SAT is real nice, if you don’t do as well next time don’t report the scores. Unless you are doing a dual major, I don’t think you need the subject tests…try the ACT, you may even do better on it…better scores usually means more merit $$$ all other items being equal. Andre is right, EA the way to go…Try prepping this summer for the classes you will have first term to up your GPA…I think you are on the right track</p>

<p>Thankss both of you!</p>

<p>Okay, early action has a better chance for money and admission? And it’s non-binding I’m pretty sure. So yeah, I’ll definitely do that!</p>

<p>My school doesn’t rank.</p>

<p>Sport wise:</p>

<p>-Freshmen Basketball Team Summer & Fall (9)
-JV Tennis (9, 10) I broke my wrist early in the season in 9th grade. That didn’t allow me to play basketball and in 10th and had a rough start in 10th grade for tennis. However I was undefeated in doubles in league in 10th grade, and I played a little varsity in 10th grade.
-Volleyball (11, 12) Decided to try it because it was something new, I’m tall, and I didn’t really like the coach on the tennis team nor the kids. I had no experience , was the only 11th grader on the team, and ended up being one of the starter middle blockers. I got the Most Improved Player Award for JV and will play varsity next year.</p>

<p>So, no varsity till 12th, but at least an award and a variety.</p>

<p>Do they super score? Also, they include the writing section right, because I’m pretty sure I can improve there? I definitively plan on taking it again and prepping.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the input!!</p>

<p>I’m doing the subject tests just so I can apply to UCs. I won’t report them to Miami unless I do pretty good on them, but I’m kind of unprepared. Just taking them so I can apply to UCs, but you never know…</p>

<p>I remember I was going to ask something else, but I just completely forgot. haha If I remember I’ll be sure to ask!</p>

<p>Anyways, thankss so much!!</p>

<p>I also started taking medicine just recently, like a week ago, which isn’t fully treated yet, they are figuring out the correct dosage, which will increase my energy and focus. Thyroid something or another.</p>


<p>Thanks for the update…I have seen Miami on a superscore thread, so multiple sittings might help…don’t forget to take the ACT, UM is ACT friendly. As far as the SAT, for scholarships, SAT requirements are based on critical reading/verbal and math sections only</p>

<p>Hope this helps</p>

<p>All I have to add is that with the math classes you took, it looks like you had high school level math (Algebra I, Geometry) in middle school. If so, that should be on your hs transcript, and if not, there should be some way for it to show up. Colleges should count hs classes taken in middle school to meet admissions requirements. Good luck.</p>

<p>Miami does indeed superscore. Bear that in mind when you see their statistics for the middle 50% test scores ;)</p>

<p>you will probably be accepted given your good SAT and ECs.</p>

<p>I have the opposite problem than what you had…
I have good grades (4.00 UW, 4.44 W 10-12)
But poor SAT (770 M, 690 CR, 620 W, 2080 Overall)
Care to chance me?</p>

<p>umm, 2080 is horrible? That looks pretty darn good in my opinion. :)</p>

<p>Based on your grades and test scores I’d say you are a shoe in. But what is your class rank, course rigor, and EC’s like?</p>

<p>"you will probably be accepted given your good SAT…</p>

<p>…Chance me… I have…
But poor SAT (770 M, 690 CR, 620 W, 2080 Overall)"</p>

<p>huh? you say i have a good sat and then you say you have a bad sat even though its higher than mine…</p>

<p>So, actually I ended up getting a 3.33 2nd semester instead of a 3.25. :D</p>

<p>5 As & 2 Cs (1 A is a sport)</p>

<p>so that made me happy.</p>

<p>but all the community courses were full so im not doing that this summer…</p>

<p>is it true it rains a ton in miami?? like how much??</p>

<p>Once or twice a week, not a ton. In the winter it’s typically less, more like once a week.</p>