Chance a debater!! will chance back

<p>bump (10 char)</p>

<p>bump (10 char)</p>

<p>You made it to the TOC as a freshman?? Holy crap, that’s impressive. Congrats!</p>

<p>I think you should be fine, actually, for all your schools. I would contact the debate coaches at Emory and Wake Forest (And maybe NW) and see if you can strike a deal. Surely they would be impressed by your debate involvement. (Maybe if we could get an idea of win-loss record, break records, etc, that would really help?) Also talk to your debate coach, as he/she might have connections with college coaches and send them a rec for you. I know my debate coach personally knows Wake Forest’s coach and even got me into DDI though my record back then was crap.</p>

<p>I was involved in debate for about 5 years, and even though my debate achievements weren’t very interesting (I didn’t really have enough time, sadly enough), I got into Wake Forest and NYU… on the otherhand, I am not a URM and my stats were 2300 and 4.0… so I’m not sure how that translates for you… XD</p>

<p>In the meantime, boost up your GPA, nab some points on the SAT, and you should be set! GOOD LUCK with your senior year, especially debate. :)</p>

<p>i went to NFLs if i had gone to the TOCs as a freshman i would of being a debate god lol</p>

U of michigan (ross business)–idk
Wake Forest–high match
Emory–low reach

<p>My only advice is to expand your EC’s other than that you’re at least qualified. :slight_smile:
Chance me!!
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>I’ll always help out a fellow debater :D</p>

<p>You have excellent chances at all your schools; Stern (if you choose) and Emory will be the hardest, but I think only low/mid reach. As long as you talk about WHY you spent so much time doing what you love (debate), I don’t think it’s necessary to load up on ECs for no reason.</p>

<p>idk. I guess you can make it. though I don’t know about NYU…</p>

<p>chance me? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;