Chance a Desperate/Lost Hope Senior!

<p>Alright, I am a slacking Senior who is looking for some chances. Here we go:</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Mexican (Only partly, but that is what I'm putting down)
High School: 98th in United States (about 8% of us get into Ivy Leagues/equivalent or better)
GPA (young ones, do not slack, you can do much better): 3.45 UW, 4.00 W, slight downward trend, but leap in Senior year
SATs: 2030 (680 CR, 680 M, 670 W) (Will take it one more time, there still is room to improve, hoping for at least 2100, also taking act)
SAT 2: Biology: 720, Math I: 760, Lit: 620 (***! im retaking that again)
AP: Psychology: 5, European History: 4, Macroeconomics: 4, Government: 4, Physics: 3, Calculus: 3, Language: 5</p>

<p>Courses (One of the heaviest loads available):
Freshman year: H English, H World History, H Algebra 2, H Bio, Latin 2, Intro to law, Comp Graphics
Sophomore: H English, H Am History, H Latin 3, H Analysis, H Chem, AP Psych
Junior: AP Language, AP Economics/Government, AP Physics, AP European History, AP Calculus, Latin 4
Senior: AP Literature, AP Latin (Literature), AP Environmental Science, AP Statistics, AP American History, Law Seminar, Ceramics (required art course)</p>

-Key Club (Officer - in charge of website creation/management and organizing events)
-Latin Club (Officer - help with all Latin club projects)
-Tennis Team (Captain - Senior Year, our team is #2 in state)
-Table Tennis Club (Founder/President - almost finished making it, but it will get done!)
-Latin Honors Society (tutoring)
-National Latin Exam Gold Medalist for 5 straight years (got a free dictionary as a reward, awesome!)
-REPP (Ridge Encouragement for Political Participation)
-National Honors Society (nominated, chose not to join due to corruption reasons)
-Participated in national math contests
-Science club all four years (biology, chem, physics state competitions - no real significant awards)
-Economics Club
-Served dinner at a retirement home (120 hours)
-Volunteered at the VA Hospital (150 hours+)
-Worked at the town pool (75 hours)
-Various volunteer activities from Key Club outside of school, including Homeless Shelters, creating a prom dance for senior citizens, setting up various fundraisers (estimating about 150 hours)
-National AP Scholar</p>

<p>Letters: GC- decent, I guess; Teachers- 1 awesome, 1 okay (my two favorite teachers chose randomly since so many students asked, of course I did not get chosen.)
Essay: Great (really unique, to me at least)
Hook: Umm...well, I am Mexican? I don't look it, but URMs for the win?
Possible Issue: My parents got a divorce in the beginning of Junior year, which devastated me for a bit, it definitely contributed partly to a slight downfall in grades. Still debating if I should mention it.</p>

<p>Schools I will apply to (I realize a lot of these are reaches, I am only asking about these):</p>

-Boston College
-Boston University
-Carnegie Mellon
-U of Holy Cross (tons of legacy)

<p>Thanks a lot for any help!</p>

<p>Also, if you chance me with a little bit of thought, I will chance yours as well. Just link yours.</p>

<p>very ambitious</p>

<p>Lafayette - ???
Cornell - Reach
Georgetown - Low Reach
Boston College - Low Reach
Boston University - Match
Carnegie Mellon - Low Reach
U of Holy Cross (tons of legacy) - ???
UPenn - Reach
Villanova - High Match
Brown - Reach
Tufts - er...probably a 'Reach' or 'Low Reach'</p>

<p>Yeah, I realize that almost all of the schools I listed are matches to high reaches to me, I left the safeties/low matches out of it. Any other people have opinions?</p>

<p>Lafayette-- ??
-Cornell-- high reach
-Georgetown-- high reach
-Boston College-- high match
-Boston University-- match
-Carnegie Mellon-- high match
-U of Holy Cross (tons of legacy)-- probably in
-UPenn-- reach
-Villanova-- match
-Brown-- reach
-Tufts-- reach</p>

<p>COLLEGE of the holy cross lol</p>

<p>Yeah, you would think I would know considering how much my dad talks about it (he and everyone in his family went there), but thanks for all the responses, and I look forward to more!</p>

<p>I decided on Cornell for early decision, so I'm really hoping some other people can help me with some predictions, and I will chance in return!</p>

<p>Also, will being Hispanic (Mexican) have any impact on my application? Thanks.</p>

<p>very good application. low AP scores kind of an issue, but pretty good on the extra-currics and URM. i would say in at most, cornell's a slight reach but yous hould get in, upenn is a reach but you have a good shot.</p>

<p>chance me back please <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Cornell is a reach. Being Hispanic won't help much because there are probably lots of similar Hispanic candidates with higher qualifications or test scores. </p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>GPA is a bit low but the quality of the high school will help. SAT scores look strong.</p>

<p>Given legacy component, you probably stand a decent chance at Holy Cross since they like to foster legacy when possible. Holy Cross and Lafayette are comparable but without the legacy, you are unlikely at Lafayette.</p>

<p>How did you measure your gpa?</p>

<p>I measured my gpa by the normal unweighted standard, but our school adds .67 for honors and 1.00 for AP, so it is technically out of 5.33, and an A+ is 4.33 in the weighted scale, but the highest possible, which nobody gets is around 5.1, the highest in my school right now is 4.7, and I am right about at the 10% on class rank.</p>

<p>Also, any more feedback is welcome!</p>

<p>You'll get into Holy Cross, BU, BC, and Villanova, I would say. The other ones you have good chances, but are still reaches. </p>

<p>Good luck with the ED of Cornell!</p>

<p>Still really nervous and looking for opinions (I'll chance back). I am really trying to narrow my list because we really do not want to send too many apps.</p>