Chance a friendly kid haha

<p>Arts and Science
Math 740
Wri-740 (essay 11)
Total 2190
Math II: 750
Math I: 800
Chem: 760
Japanese: 800
Korean: 800
GPA: 4.09 Weighted 3.8 unweighted
Rank: Top 10 percent 37/400
Class This year
AP Physics C
AP Calculus BC
AP Psychology
AP Lit
AP Biology
Other AP's taken
AP Physics B: 3
AP Chemistry : 4
AP Statistics: 4
AP Lit: 4
AP Euro: 4
Ap US: 4</p>

<p>AP Scholar With Distinction</p>

<p>EC: 3 sport Varsity Athlete
Student Body Treasurer
Model UN President
Vice President of Robotics Club
Math Team
Science Bowl
National Honor Society
National Math Honor Society
National Science Honor Society
Trilingual in Korean, Japanese and English</p>

<p>-Work Experience (haha)
-Essays: Really good
-Teacher Recs: Great
-Counselor Rec: Great
No legacies or anything</p>

<h1>State or Country: CT</h1>

<h1>School Type: Public</h1>

<h1>Ethnicity: Korean</h1>

<h1>Gender: Male</h1>

<h1>Financial Aid?(Y/N): Yes</h1>

<h1>Legacy Yes/No: No</h1>

<h1>Recruited Yes/No: No</h1>

<p>Looks pretty competitive to me, numbers-wise anyway. EC’s + leadership = awesome too.</p>