Chance a gentlemen.

<p>Miami is one of my top choices, does anyone have any idea my chances? I greatly appreciate any input</p>

<p>I am a junior, I took the SAT once, no studying, taking it again next week with a prep course (hopefully a large improvement) but my first score was a 1930 </p>

<p>good public school in Upstate NY, top 20%, but school doesn't rank. </p>

<p>3.5 GPA UW with the hardest course load, numerous electives, I will graduate all honors with at least 5 APs and a lot of college credits. </p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:</p>

<p>4 years (2 JV 2 Varsity) XC, 4 years varsity tennis, 2 years indoor track
MUN club
Class Government, VP of class sophomore year and a lot of involvement with prom planning etc.
Femtastic gender equality club, involved in a lot of advocacy movements
business experience working for my dad's company (too much to write about here, good stuff though)
Entrepreneurial ventures (again, a lot of details)
Volunteer work with adaptive ski program, I help developmentally disabled kids ski
Camp Counselor all summer (following being a camper for 7 years)
7 week leadership summit last summer in which I helped developmentally disabled adults play sports and other activities.
Nominated for Boys State, will most likely be attending
as many NBA rings as Lebron</p>

<p>Recs will be good i'm sure, and I will write a good essay.</p>

<p>I would apply as a marketing major with a minor in Government</p>

<p>thank you!</p>

<p>You’re in. It’s just a matter of what scholarship you will get.</p>

<p>I don’t agree that you are definitely in, as the previous poster opined. You have a shot though. Coming from out of state should help, because I presume Miami is now trying to become a more “national” university, as it rises in the ranking (1/2 the class still comes from Florida)</p>

<p>Something like 2/3 of the class is in the top 10% of their high school class.</p>

<p>And your SATs are perhaps just a bit low.</p>

<p>I would concentrate on getting your SAT scores a bit higher. My kid raised his SAT by 110 points the second time he took the exam.</p>

<p>Keep taking the SAT as many times as possible, since most schools superscore.</p>

<p>Thank you, I am taking the SAT in a week and I hope to do much better</p>

<p>What was the breakdown of your 1930? UM is looking at Math and Reading. You should also be taking the ACT - many students do much better on one or the other, so why not give yourself better odds? 3.5GPA is okay, top 20% is okay - enhanced by a nice high SAT or ACT score would improve your chances. If you are scoring 4’s and 5’s on the AP tests, that helps as well. </p>

<p>You should consider visiting the school. I’m upstate NY also, so I feel your pain regarding costs to travel to Coral Gables, but if you are truly serious about attending UM, I think it adds to your resume.</p>

<p>Wish I could say that coming from NY adds to the diversity of UM, but NY is 2nd behind FL for student origin. Probably better if you lived in Montana or Vermont! </p>

<p>Take the SAT and ACT as many times as you can, keep challenging yourself with AP and honors courses.
Good luck to you!

<p>thanks man, I got a 720 CR 620 Math, (writing was my lowest score with 590) so I suppose that will help?</p>

<p>Yes probably. So, you know you have to focus on the math section. Getting a lower score on CR doesn’t hurt you since they’ll count your 720 - but getting a better score on Math will really help. Study hard!</p>