Chance a good student with no ECs?

I’m applying to UCLA, UCSD, UCI, UCSB and UCDavis + 3 other CSUs. For UCLA I’m applying Linguistics + CS, for UCSD it’s Cognitive Science, for UCI it’s Informatics, for UCSB it’s Statistical Science, and for UCDavis it’s Cognitive Science. My majors aren’t really consistent but that’s because I was interested in all of the majors and some schools had a major I really wanted and some didn’t.
Anyways, I’m just really scared. I already submitted my application but I’m still worrying and beating myself up about what I could have done better.

I have a 4.23 UC Gpa and a 1540 sat but honestly that’s pretty much it. I am a member of two clubs but not an officer of any and I was in a sport for two years but stopped. Which schools will I have a good chance of getting into?

I think you should be able to get in most of the schools listed. UCLA is 50-50, maybe 60-40.

Wow, that makes me feel a bit better. I know UCLA is really selective now though so I’m betting on not getting in at all

also im wondering about which schools consider capped or noncapped gpa? Bc with cap my gpa is 4.23 but noncapped it its 4.31 but I don’t know if that will affect anything.

UCLA does look at both.

All UC’s look at the capped and non-capped GPA, only UCB and UCLA will actually post their fully weighted GPA’s for admitted students.

Academically you are very competitive but EC’s and the essays do differentiate all the competitive applicants from one another. UCB tends to put more emphasis on EC’s (community service, leadership) vs. other UC’s so that may be a negative.

All you can do is hope for the best and make sure you have a balanced college list of Safety, Match and Reach schools.

Best of luck.