Chance a hot(?) swede for Wharton and other B-schools!

<p>Good luck! Internationals vying for finaid are in a tough spot though.</p>

<p>Yeah famn international-finaid-policies… :stuck_out_tongue:
But could you give me Any overall tips? Be a tad more specific? :P</p>

<p>Tips? ECs look great, the only thing that can really make a difference is the essay(s). This could really help your application, which looks stellar already. Good luck, thanks for the chance.</p>

<p>I enjoy your formatted post! And thanks for chancing me dude.</p>

<p>Well, yeah, you should get your rec from your business teacher if you’re gonna major in business… </p>

<p>I think you need three SAT II’s for some of those schools, so that Frenchie is going in unfortunately. You also should have mixed it up a bit in your SAT IIs, like take a not-math one. Everyone is saying your ECs are amazing. I agree, but there isn’t much breadth. I guess that’s all right though, because you’re going to business school.</p>

<p>Overall, test scores are ohmygodsuperamazing, ECs are, and I think you’ll get in to at least one of those reaches. Good luck!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Swede: I see. What I meant was that having one business run smoothly for a whole 4 years is definitely more impressive than 3 businesses ran at separate intervals. The former proves to colleges that you’re already strong in business but like you said, you want to experience the entrepreneur-ish atmosphere, find potential business partners and clients, and perhaps learn a lot more about business. Nonetheless, your chances are excellent at all of those schools and I really think you’ll make it into Wharton! Have fun at UPenn, and thanks for chancing me back!</p>

<p>You have good chances at each of those places you mentioned above.</p>

<p>Except the fact that Penn, Stanford and Duke are VERY selective when it comes to giving aid to international students. And UC-Berkeley gives no aid at all.</p>

<p>Damn fin.aid… Do you think it’ll be my rejection?</p>

<p>Btw: you guys think I should retake SAT IIs? Would be the third time taking them though…</p>

<p>Bumpbump (especially on last questions</p>

<p>Bumpbump Please, Will Chance back!</p>

<p>I think you have amazing stats…you have good chances at penn and duke for sure… stanford I really cannot say… but overall I think you set yourself as a competitive applicant</p>

<p>Financial Aid in THOSE colleges I mentioned might be a problem, in the rest, you will well get in and with aid.</p>

<p>And 2210 SAT isn’t bad at all, you don’t need to retake it. Even if you want to, don’tlet the fact that it’ll be your third attempt stop you.</p>

<p>@sahilchaudhry - how do you know that these specifically will be a problem? But you think I’ll get aid At the others?
About SATs: so my SAT I is good, but you think I should retake SAT IIs? (didn’t really understand entirely :P)</p>

<p>Mord chances?
Retake SAT IIs?
Replace history teacher rec with business teacher rec?</p>

<p>my last bump?</p>

<p>Chances look solid, focus on your more interesting/unique ECs</p>