SAT: 2330 (800M/CR, 730 W oops)
ACT: pending, possibly not sending
SAT II: Math II (790), taking Lit in June
GPA: school uses 100 pt scale. 1 A- so far.
Rank: 1/411
Course Load: IB Diploma Candidate</p>
<p>At this point, spending time to improve my objective stats won't make a significant difference in my application (...right?). The tricky part is trying to stand out. I have several concerns for some of my ECs and wish to know how I can do more.</p>
<p>[<em>]Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute (President of local chapter, Youth Counselor at state level, 9-12)
- Community service group that promotes healthy lifestyles and natural highs. I love this group and everyone in it. I'm not concerned about this at all. I've probably racked up over 200+ hours of service through this group.
[</em>]Debate/Forensics (President, 9-12)
- My school lacks resources. We only have two members who consistently attend tournaments and about 7ish total members, so the officer position doesn't mean much. Our coaches are not completely knowledgable in this field and don't attend all the tournaments. We only compete at statewide tournaments and in the past, when only one person could go, the coach called it off. My only means of improving is through observation. I've only broken a couple times, and I'm not sure what else I can do.
[<em>]Lit Society (potetial officer, 9-12)
- The original advisor had a premature baby this fall, so the club fell apart this year but is currently being resurrected by the current president. We hold creative writing workshops and welcome all forms of writing. There's a fair chance I'll be president next year, but I don't want to jinx myself.
[</em>]Quill (editor, 9-12)
- Unfortunately, I chose art classes and a creative writing workshop class over journalism, so I could not be Editor-in-Chief this year. I originally planned on applying to journalism schools, but now I'm a bit deterred...
[li]two2one (keyboards, 8-11)[/li]- Garage band. We've won several battles of the bands and play at many service events. However, I am quitting this June because the band no longer represents me.</p>
<p>Some scattered ECs:
[<em>]Interact (9-11)
- The officers stopped replying to my e-mails. I'd ask to sign up for service activities but never got back a definite answer.
[</em>]Jazz Band (piano, 9-10)
- Enjoyed it, didn't feel rewarded. I sight-read my way through the season and was never yelled at or noticed for doing such.
[li]SGA (11)[/li]- Probably not even putting this on my app. I joined to have a say in school events, but as soon as I realized non-officers have no say (and I didn't want to spread myself too thin by becoming an officer), I quit.</p>
<p>Notable hobbies(?):
[<em>]Piano (12 yrs)
- I actually stopped taking formal lessons this year, but I still practice a lot. Unfortunately, I had a lenient teacher who would only show up half the times we scheduled him and never pushed me to compete :(
[</em>]Creative Writing (8yrs)
- Love
[<em>]Spoken Word (2ish yrs)
- Last summer, I recorded a CD of my slam poetry with music composition in the background and sold it to anyone interested. I didn't make a huge profit, but I do feel that this is something that makes me stand out a bit.
- Not quite a long-lasting hobby, but it takes up most of my electives.</p>
ABRSM Gr8 with Merit
Scholastic Writing Region-At-Large Gold Key (Poetry)</p>
<p>Other stuff:
State: NJ
<p>Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'll probably post a more formal chance thread over the summer. And I'll chance back!</p>