Chance a junior?

<p>I am a junior in high school, but I've been tapping my foot waiting to leave high school and I'm pretty neurotic about the whole application process.
I am VERY interested in Northwestern (top choice- will apply ED if I visit and like it; I live in IL so it's accessible)</p>

<p>Here's my info so far:</p>

attend a non-private but SSAT/essay/app-required school with all honors classes that admits students as 8th graders (5-year high school)
Sophomore year, took AP psychology online through Johns Hopkins University, took AP and got a 5
This year, taking honors advanced Chem B/ honors Organic Chem ("chem D")- plan to take chem AP in spring; 4th year of latin- Vergil's Aeneid; Accelerated AP Calc AB- plan to take AP in spring; honors physics; honors english courses; honors US history</p>

latin: silver or gold on all NLE since middle school
Northwestern Talent Search (yes, this NU thankfully)- freshman year, took ACT and got 32
psych AP was 5, as I already mentioned
some area math contests, calculator teams- nothing huge though</p>

took volleyball sophomore year but not so into the sports thing- however our school has a rigorous fitness program (2 miles every other day, 5k at the end of the year) and i work out outside of school- don't know if that matters but if they care about fitness then all right</p>

<p>Founded last year and run a [serious] club based after the Anti-Defamation League. Basically it started out as ADL's main goal, to prevent anti-Semitism, then we grew into preventing all types of discrimination and provide holocaust education. I run the club on my own. I take about 3-5 hours a week working on events, research, preparing materials. I do organize fundraisers for charities through this club and the club is working towards its first school-wide event this January. I pretty much donate as much free time as possible to this club.</p>

<p>SSAT Mentor- SSAT is the test students must take to enter Uni. Come to school every Saturday 9am-12pm to work with primarily minority students to prepare them for the SSAT. </p>

<p>Next year, I plan to take Anat/Phys with the local college; want to take Genetics if I can get in (it's a popular class); Calc BC- then english, history seminar, and German 1 (no latin offered senior year)</p>

<p>College interests: Going PreMed but since I started the club I am interested in Jewish Studies and Holocaust studies, so if I can get any of those classes in I will, and I know NU has those classes available, which makes me like it even more.</p>

<p>For my essay, I would plan to tie in my holocaust studies interests with my club and try to tie in with my interest in science.</p>

<p>Also, I have lived in a campustown my entire life, and I don't know if maybe that makes NU see me as more suited to a campus lifestyle.</p>

<p>Big worry right now: I am a straight-A student but cannot seem to raise my grade above a high B in Calc AB. Although I am taking this AP class a year ahead of time, am I in trouble? I really don't think it's going to go up to an A by the end of the semester. Supposedly a B in AP Calc isn't supposed to lower your GPA from what I've heard, but does NU look down on it anyway?</p>

<p>Just received results of NMSQT PSAT- I'm a semifinalist with a 228
I'm taking my first real go at the SAT I on saturday (yikes). A little nervous but if the PSAT's any reflection it should hopefully go quite well. Plan to take SAT II in chem, math (guess that would suit the medical honors program) and one other that I can't decide on between history, lit, and latin.</p>

<p>woops- *SSAT to enter high school (we call our school Uni because its on a campus)</p>