Chance a low gpa/high EC for Brown ED [MO resident, 3.0 extenuating circumstances/32 ACT]

OP says she has already received an appointment:

But I think she means “nomination” as per USMA:

Beginning in November early offers of admission are possible for fully qualified, outstanding candidates. These notifications are made without regard to type of nomination.

The service academy forums website has not even opened a thread for class of '27 appointments yet.

If the OP has a nomination, she’s passed the first and main gate but, as I always post (see a recent reply here), there is no chancing for a service academy.* Knowing a senator or any member of congress personally is not a factor.

*However, if the OP has a nomination and is 3Q (qualified academically, medically, and physically), “chances” of an appointment for those in this pool are north of 50%, for example: