<p>I'm a senior from Maine. It's about 10 degrees up here and I was wondering if you guys can chance me at these southern schools. I don't think I can last another year in the northeast.</p>
<p>My Stats
GPA: Unweighted 88.5/100, I believe it transfers to 3.35
No weighted or Class ranking</p>
<p>SAT's, Superscored:
CR: 590
M: 730
W: 500</p>
Captain of Football Team (12)
Football (9-12)
Track (10-11)
Baseball (9 and 12)
Tennis (11)
Science Club (11)
Spanish club (9)
Worked @ golf club in Kitchen 30 hr's a week during summer and 20 hrs. a week during school year.
Volunteered 60 hrs. before senior year during summer at food pantry.
I'm taking two math classes my senior year as well as a engineering class.</p>
<p>I was already accepted to my safety school, University of Alabama :I</p>
<p>Good luck. I’m a junior currently with close to the same stats as you and a few people have said I have a pretty good chance and the main thing is to get the GPA up.</p>
<p>You definitely have a chance for Georgia Tech. Your math is excellent, and that always helps for an engineering school. Also, your EC’s are good.</p>
<p>If I had to call it something, I would say High Match/Low Reach.</p>
<p>If I may ask…what part of Maine are you from? I vacation in Sanford and my aunt lives in Brunswick. Beautiful place in the summer, but I can see why you want to go south for the winter.</p>
<p>Have you shown interest to the school yet. I don’t know how much interest counts in public schools but maybe send a letter to the school saying that its your first choice. Thats all I can think of though. I’m hoping to learn a lot about the process from looking at your thread too. Good to see another student whose a year older but around the same resume.</p>
<p>MaineLonghorn- I actually led my football team in running the beach 2 beacon. I went to Cheverus my freshman year and then transferred to Cape and it has been a tradition every year that the captains of the Cape Elizabeth football team organize the whole team to run.</p>
<p>Virginiafan13- That is a great idea! I’m going to talk to my guidance and see what they think about it, because GT is by far my favorite school. Also, when you apply for GT, be sure to apply for before the October 31 deadline.</p>
<p>If you turn it in before october 31 you recieve a decision in december, either accepted or deffered. If defered, you get another round of spring admissions to get accepted. So basically, if you turn your application in before october 31st you get to get 2 tries at admission, instead of one if you applied later.</p>
<p>Wow thanks. I’m guessing they would have told us that when I visit later this month but this is still good to know. I’ll probably apply then along with applying ED to Davidson pending applying to GT at that point isn’t binding. Also I was looking on their admissions section and there was no mention of recommendations. Do they not use them?</p>