<p>White catholic male from suburban Worcester
Interested in studying econ/politics.
GPA: 3.37, strong upward trend with a couple of Honors and APs.
SATs: 500 M, 600 CR, 600 W, now hitting 1800+
Recommendations: Assuming their great
Application Essay: very creative/out there
Will apply by early November
Loads of ECs: Class treaurer, MUN member, president of choir past two years, was secretary of choir before that, was in an acapella choir, now in a jazz choir, church lector and church bassist/singer. Also taught CCD. Member of NHS and volunterr group. I raised $75,000 with my walk team to cure my disease, diabetes. I also have won 2 honorable mentions at BU in model UN and won best delegation at an intenational conference at NYC. Chances would be appreciated</p>
<p>My daughter is a sophomore at St. A’s - it’s a wonderful school.</p>
<p>I’d say you were very qualified for admission.</p>