<p>Hey y'all! Thanks for looking at the thread!</p>
<p>HS Stats:
SAT: 1250/1940 - Weak part...i could retake?
GPA: 3.7/4.4
EC's: Awesome. lots of leadership</p>
currently at a small selective lac
GPA: 4.0 - I'm not just saying this, this is what I'm ending up with :)
EC's: Crew Team, Outdoors Club, Ski/snowboard club, Constitutional Review Committee
Recs: should be really good
Essays: Haven't written yet. should be pretty good. </p>
<p>What do you guys think my chances are at the following schools:
Vanderbilt- Peabody
Notre Dame
Cornell- College of Human Ecology
<p>ya if you are transfering as a sophomore i would retake your sat because your hs stats play a big part in admissions…</p>
<p>a 1940 is not a bad SAT score. Are you in state for UNC? If so, I think you’ll get in (the average sophomore transfer GPA is a 3.3, and your 4.0 is pretty impressive
) </p>
<p>I also think you have a good chance at Vanderbilt, but Notre Dame, Georgetown and Cornell will be harder. Some of those schools have pretty strict transfer requirements, have you looked at those?</p>
<p>chance me if you get the chance
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/1040444-chances-suggestions-please.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/1040444-chances-suggestions-please.html</a></p>
<p>instate residency doesn’t matter at unc for transfers
<p>thanks for the post!</p>
<p>ntrading I don’t think that the OP’s SAT Score are actually that significant considering that Cornell does not require it for transfers…right? You might want to double check that because, while I know that is the case for CALS I am not sure about Human Ec. </p>
<p>Also would agree that you have a good shot at all schools, with only Cornell and maybe Georgetown begin the tough ones. So if you keep it up you should get into atleast 2/5 schools you listPour your heart into your essays and you never know, you might get in everywhere. Good luck! </p>
<p>Help a fellow transfer out, chance me :)</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/1041304-omg-have-you-seen.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/transfer-students/1041304-omg-have-you-seen.html</a></p>
<p>Thanks guys! Honestly, I’d be ecstatic about getting into 1/5 of those schools!</p>