<p>Thanks swedish “colleague”! :)</p>
<p>Not registered. No f-skatt. I was 14 at the time, only a small after-school “project”. I imported candles, made a website, sold by myself and through friends. Basically only made like $500-1000, so nothing big, but would say it was a good example of entrepreneurial spirit and initiative.</p>
<p>Haha damn, watched that clip </p>
<p>Applying for aid. I am sorry.
Tough chances.</p>
<p>But seeing that you are a Swede, you might contribute to the class.</p>
<p>50 50 I’d say.</p>
<p>Ok, I understand your chance.</p>
<p>Btw just got into UMich
however, pretty sure there are NO financial aid oppurtunities there, neither need-based nor merit-based.</p>
Great job at UMich man!</p>
<p>congrats on UMich!</p>
<p>woah… I really admire your positive attitude and perseverance, especially that you’re willing to take a second shot at the universities. Wish you good luuuckkkk. :)</p>
<p>But umm… since your ECs are heavily business orientated and quite a few of the schools on your list don’t have business schools/courses, how did you “convince” these schools like NW and Duke that they are still a “fit” for you? and if you don’t mind answering, what did you state as your intended major?</p>
<p>Thank you! Hopefully it’ll pay off :)</p>
<p>Those that don’t have undergrad business:
Duke: only stated that my academic interest is business/marketing/advertising. Will take the certificate program “markets & management studies”.
NW: communication studies. Many of my interests/ECs are in marketing, some in advertising.
Yale/Harvard: sociology. Showed My passion for business and motivated why liberal arts is a good foundation for this (understand the world i Will so business in etc), and how sociology will help me better understand how consumers/the market/society.</p>
<p>The only schools with actual Business majors are UPenn/UMich/NYU.
Most top tier schools don’t offer Undergraduate Business majors.</p>
<p>^Yeah that’s true. Although an econ major at Harvard is as good as Wharton in terms of job placement in business/finance. Yale doesn’t seem to get quite as much recruiting attention from the financial industry</p>
<p>Upenn/Mich/NYU only?
What about Cornell, UVa, WUSTL?</p>
<p>Duke has a somewhat undergrad business - certificate program Markets & Management.</p>
<p>Yale/Harvard/Northwestern - I am aware they do not have business.</p>
<p>Thanks for chances, keep em coming! :)</p>
<p>UPDATE: Waitlisted at WUSTL… :(</p>
<p>Update: ACCEPTED to NYU and UVa!!! :D</p>