Chance a teen who likes farming and finance for T20s!

I also appreciate the name of the cantaloupe.

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I hope an EC on “A cantaloupe, named ‘Babur’” becomes the next “clam fart”! (For the OP, that kid got into Yale with an “accidental” EC on clam farts
 it’s a hilarious read!) edit: fixed typo

Wall Street feeder schools with farms include the following:


So if you want to go to a school that offers strong financial aid, is known for providing a well-worn path to IB, and has a working farm – that’s a nice list. They’re all reaches, but there you go.

Several excellent LACs have also been mentioned, and the NESCAC-type schools have also been known to send graduates to Wall Street. (Middlebury, Amherst, Hamilton, etc.)


I’ll remind you to post this each and every time we read about a kid whose favorite EC is Day Trading (i.e Grandpa gave the kid two thousand bucks and it’s now worth $2200), started a non-profit to support women with breast cancer (as if there aren’t 45 non-profits focused on breast cancer) and who is teaching coding to middle school kids (the intention was to teach low income kids to code
 but that would have involved taking the bus to a low income neighborhood to find said low income kids- so instead, the kid is teaching OTHER affluent kids to code right in their own backyard.

I’ll give the OP points for originality, even if the EC doesn’t meet your very high bar for rigor.


Well, proof’s in the pudding, I guess. The OP has utterly charmed multiple CC posters with The Cantaloupe EC. They are veritably cooing! Like typical CC posters, AOs are probably not familiar with actual Ag research as done at a university strong in Ag (you know, the sort of university that the OP wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole.) So OP is probably safe.


I suggest you add Cornell. They have an agriculture school with in-state rates even though they are private. You have a real accomplishment with the melon and you could probably do a double major with finance. Have you run the NPCs to see if you will qualify for aid?

Unless the admission reader wonders why a student so into agricultural stuff would apply to a college without it


Yes, one might think. But perhaps they will be too caught up in how genuine and unique it seems to them. I would guess that AOs at a place like Cornell University’s College of Ag would approach professed interest with a more jaded eye (just as they do at their School of Hotel Admin), but the OP isn’t applying to Cornell, so that’s beside the point.

Even a U without an Ag school has faculty (Zoology, Botany, Biology, Genetics) who have a “more than layperson’s” understanding of seeds. I think your fears are misplaced.

I remember “back in the day” when parents got real excited when their kids were learning to use various packaged software products as a class in HS, and thinking that if the U didn’t have a robust Comp Sci department it would be a real differentiator. Guess what- even a lowly math professor or grad student in physics understands the difference between a “chug and plug” and learning actual programming. And guess what- even the AO’s who you think are such morons that they can’t pick up the phone and ask a question-- know how to use Google. Every single one of them.


I know of a young woman who carried a watermelon. She planned to attend Mount Holyoke.


In-state if you are a NY resident. This student is from CA.

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