Chance/advise me at UC's (transfer)

<p>Hello, junior level transfer here. I've often read through these forums, never really posted though. I would love to hear your chances for my acceptance at UCLA UCB UCSB UCSD and UCI.</p>

<p>I applied to economics for all the schools except uci, i applied as busadmin: finance primary and economics secondary
California Resident
GPA: 3.74
Honors Program Certification
IGETC qualified
TAP certified/UCI Honors to Honors certified
Phi Theta Kappa member
7 AP classes from high school, passed all of them
Held part time job while in school for a local business, desk jockey mostly, but I learned a lot.</p>

<p>Major Prereqs: one left, calculus II</p>

<p>I had a 4.0 until this fall, in which I received a C in calculus I and a B in macroeconomics. I was in an accident in a college sports game that semester and injured my shoulder permanently in an accident, which caused me to quit sports altogether; I could not drive for a while and had to go to surgery/doctors frequently. It also caused me a great deal of psychological pain, knowing there are a lot of things I will not be able to do anymore. Needless to say, it really hurt my academic performance. </p>

<p>I heard that UCI will disqualify me from economics and business administration because I have lower than a 3.0 <em>calculus GPA</em>. What if i take calculus II in the spring and ace it? But then again, that would be after admission decisions.</p>

<p>should I stay another year at CC's and switch to biology? It was a close second when I was choosing a major.</p>

<p>Is there any other information that would be relevant?</p>

<p>I might add that my economics professor was fired or resigned after my semester, we got into a heated argument because he would not let me make up an assignment I missed while in surgery. Before I could report him, I found out he no longer worked at my school.</p>

<p>bump for desperation, really feeling down about that C, although I suppose I should.</p>

<p>explain the situation and you shall be fine. Have a counselor explain it in detail. Good luck
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<p>but iā€™m looking to see if anyone had a similar experience and what the outcome was.</p>

<p>bumpbump bump</p>


<p>B u m p





